Wacken gig of COB to be shown live in internet


Active Member
Jan 18, 2003
Budapest, Hungary
I can get it but I would like to know how much it is stating that it will cost. The charges are in euros and I dont know what that costs in U.S funds exactly. It states that they charge 10 euros for the whole 72 hours....what does that come to in U.S. funds? I would greatly appreciate it if someone can let me know.
Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. Thats not expensive at all. I will let everyone know if all goes well with getting that.
I would have got it, its isnt expensive...Its just going through the shit of sorting it out. Dont have a credit card or anything...
A box kept popping up saying something about updating Microsoft security in order to view but it was weird, there was no reason for that to come up. So, I clicked on the box to get the supposed update and nothing happened at all. I have a new comp with all the latest versions of everything and I do regular updates anyway. Something just wasnt right.
A friend of mine recorded it and as soon as he rips it for me, I will let everyone know so whoever wants it can have it too.
i paid $6 EU ($7.39 US) for a 24 hour pass, and watched it all day long on saturday, but never saw CoB. i *did* see the full sets by:

Mayhem (twice)
Amon Amarth (twice)
Cannibal Corpse
Grave Digger
Death Angel
Nevermore (twice)
Helloween (twice)

but no Children of Bodom! :cry: i'm really bummed... not cuz of the money... it was a BARGAIN for all that ^ music!! :D but just so sad they did not broadcast CoB's set while i was watching. :cry: :erk: