
Originally posted by Morgana
Sure I will do soon he is back :)

Eld, these pics are the size 10 x 15 cm (same as the photos I scanned in) just with 72 dpi. I had a normal camera in the audience and used zoom, so making them bigger might does not work out well... most photos are a bit blurred due to the circumstance of being pushed, etc...

normal camera (i mean without large zoom) suxx, but these pics are good... anyway, important is: you saw guys' gig:grin: pics are good souvenir, but you keep sth in mind Morg...
Originally posted by Morgana
Yes they are nice memories, next weekend I won't make any, it's not allowed to do any... but still nice to see them live once again, hehe :)

lucky girl:grin:
hi :)
wacken-folks, I'd like to know what was going on this year, that in german RockHard (online) they say they won't present wacken next year?
Hallo Leute!
Wir haben auf die organisatorischen Mängel des diesjährigen Wacken Open Air (s. dazu auch die Einträge in unseren Foren) reagiert und werden das Festival nächstes Jahr nicht mehr präsentieren, aber sehr wohl aufmerksam beobachten. Nähere Hintergründe dazu sowie die musikalische Nachberichterstattung findet ihr in unserem Oktober-Heft! Eure Rock Hard-Redaktion
Hm, opacity, you just have to take a look at the WOA boards to see about what people are complaining.
Basically it's about the same stuff as every year, toilets and stuff, hygenics but also the increasing number of people, the prices for camping and drinks/food as well as the organisation itself.
Yeah, there were many, many ppl this year... but its always good to see so many metalheads from all around the world - just to mention the fans who came from South-America or Japan this year.
Maybe the organizers will have to look for a bigger place but hopefully it keeps going on:)

Originally posted by Gaunerin
but also the increasing number of people, the prices for camping and drinks/food as well as the organisation itself.
Hello there, you once posted in your official homepage a tourdate for México City, and shitloads of people were asking about that gig, it was almost "Official" but, you never confirmed. Someday you will make a tourdate around here??? Also Borknagar is great! I hope you can come both bands! You can´t imagine the cuantity of fans you have here; Both bands too, Come to México!
Originally posted by opacity
I've read all I found there (online), but there was nothing that has not been/happened all the years before as well :confused:

From what I gathered especially the organisation of the schedules left much to be desired.
Bands were not picked up with a bus shuttle at the agreed time, therefore there were not in Wacken when there were set to play. So the running order had to be changed (again), the other bands were often not informed about it...not to forget the fans who often had no idea who's going to play when and where. That was the case with bands who were to play Party and Wet Stage.
I think that, that is always the problem with festivals, I remember seeing In Flames on Roskilde, even though they where not announced, I was just lucky enorgh to meet a friend that did know they where playing....
But it was a great concert, considering that the band themself, late found out that they where playing, just ashame that there was so few metalheads to actuelly see them!!!
Originally posted by Gaunerin

From what I gathered especially the organisation of the schedules left much to be desired.
Bands were not picked up with a bus shuttle at the agreed time, therefore there were not in Wacken when there were set to play. So the running order had to be changed (again), the other bands were often not informed about it...not to forget the fans who often had no idea who's going to play when and where. That was the case with bands who were to play Party and Wet Stage.

talking about the shuttle busses... I'm just thinking of all those metal heads who did not camp... last shuttle was at 0.20 H or something like it, so if they wanted to see any bands later than this they had to take a taxi... damn expensive.