Wakefield anyone?

Proud to be welsh!

Dydw i ddim yn hoffi coffi ;)
^ about as far as my knowledge of the welsh languages goes to!

I would go to the gig in north wales, but unfortunatly, being 16 kinda sucks! If we have lots of pasta, will you come???

:lol: We have lots of pasta in Newtown......honest :). Well, there's 2 Pizzaria's and an Italian Restraunt (Your band-mates can judge the quality compared to real italian cooking :p)

On a completly different topic, is there anywhere where I can find tabs for PQ songs? I play guitar and can't teach myself by ear >.< Would be awesome to be able to play a few of your songs :).

Wakefield? too far for me i'm afraid but that should help bring the northern supporters down. I'm having real trouble organising transport for the Southampton show so it looks like i won't be able to make it this time around :cry:
Dude are you going from Abingdon? I might know some people going from Witney if you don't mind travelling with complete strangers...

I appreciate the offer but i don't know them and they don't know me - anything could happen. I also wanted to go with a group of mates so i may just have to wait until the quest come a little nearer and just buy a T-shirt for now.
Ta Steve =D. Seems my persistant pestering paid off. First time seeing PQ Since the newcastle gig with Pagans mind!.

Fancy giving me a lift back to the southampton/london gigs too? =P Or you could drag andy up here