wanna blend some amps/mics?

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I know it's not being done often by the forumites, Sneap's not doing it either...
but on many big production records you're actually hearing blends of amps and mics...and I admit, it's more hassle to get all the phases right etc, but it CAN be fun to play around with amp blending etc...

so for anyone who wants to try it a bit here are some tracks for you that are already phase aligned perfectly..

the micing was:
1sm57 about 2cm from the grille and a m160 (ribbon) about 8cm from the grille (so naturally they're out of phase, I corrected that previous to bouncing the tracks though, so you can go nuts with your faders).

the amps are: RevF Recto, '78 JMP2203, Krankenstein+

This is ONLY fun if you have a desk or a controller with 6 faders, blending from 6 different sources can't really be done effectively with just a mouse, sorry.

Curious as to how you're phase aligning them. Are you sending a blip down the line on the Di prior to re-amping and using that as a reference?
Lasse have you tried Auto Align with 2 miced tracks? I tried the trial version but it doesn't work very well in my opinion.
I have 2 miced tracks, I put AA on the second track sidechaining it with the first track. I start the playback and I click Detect (I tried both polarity and delay) but the 2 tracks sounded better before. I also niticed that when I apply AA on a track it affect the sound also before Detection or any kind of switching..
Maybe is the trial limited?
I did it here for example (m160 and sm57 on the same amp)
it works great without any problems

I'm using PT HD though, it will not work properly ona DAW without ADC, so not on LE and I actually suspect Cubase isn't really phase accurate either (although it claims to be).

it works perfectly in PT HD
After learning Colin Richardson blends a 421 and a 57 I've really wanted to get more into doing multiple mic/amp setups. It is pretty hard to get right mind you. That plugin looks really cool though.

You know the plugin I've always wanted? Something that you can pop on a stereo track, with a different amp/mic on each side, and it's just a blend control and automatic make up gain feature so you can get the right balance between the signals without getting fooled into thinking something's better because it's louder.

Would be a piece of piss to make I'm guessing. Mac and Pro Tools compatible please! Lol.
Question for you Lasse:

No artifact or strange phasing issue with Soundradix?

Ask it because it's so good to be true:confused:
My try :


I managed to get an ac30 mic'd up with 3 mics in phase with another amp... god that was a ballache.
Must of moved the cab and flipped the phase about 100 times.
But god was it worth it!
I multimic a lot and while I can't speak on any plugs the easiest way to do it that I've found is to send pink noise through the amp. Then place your first mic. Then for the 2nd mic flip the phase on your pre and sweep the mic until you get as close to cancellation as possible. Once you've found that spot flip the phase back and now you should have the opposite of almost full cancellation which is the strongest mix of the 2 mics.