Wanna buy something for me for Christmas?!

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
edit: This thread wasn't supposed to turn in to me "begging" for anything. It was merely a suggestion to those that actually still liked me on here that would have been able to help me out a little bit. I was wrong in thinking that douchebags weren't going to make me feel worse about myself than I already do.

To the two of you that were able to help me out a little bit, I thank you.

To those of you that POLITELY pointed out that this seemed like begging, thank you for not being dicks.

To those of you that were dicks... I always knew you were dicks, and I expected it from you anyway.

Forget it.
I'm not going to arrange it. Every time that's attempted on this forum, someone "forgets" or comes up with another excuse, and people are sitting there wondering where their gift is.

If someone is nice enough to contribute to this little thing, I'm going to write them a card and send them other goodies. I just can't afford to get any of this stuff until February since debt collectors are currently taking money out of all of my pay checks, and I can barely afford food.

So, yeah. I'm not doing the "gift exchange" thing on here, but I will be rather grateful to the people that can help out with this... even $10 Walmart gift cards are good. ;)
I'm not going to arrange it. Every time that's attempted on this forum, someone "forgets" or comes up with another excuse, and people are sitting there wondering where their gift is.

If someone is nice enough to contribute to this little thing, I'm going to write them a card and send them other goodies. I just can't afford to get any of this stuff until February since debt collectors are currently taking money out of all of my pay checks, and I can barely afford food.

So, yeah. I'm not doing the "gift exchange" thing on here, but I will be rather grateful to the people that can help out with this... even $10 Walmart gift cards are good. ;)

Bah humbug.
Will it's been 4 days since my birthday and no gift yet ... i'm still waiting !!!
here, I'll send you one of these.

Hey Lynn, I do have a job. It's called trying to live on your own while making $13/hr and having quite a number of debt collectors and bills to pay off. I can't afford this shit, so I recommend to people on a forum that typically does a "Secret Santa" to my "Christmas Wish List" in case they were in the giving mood. Yes, I'm a douche out of fun most of the time, but there are people on this forum that "get it". It's those people that I'm directing this thread to. I know that most of you silly cocksuckers don't like me, and I'm fine with that. If you are a member of this forum that KNOWS that I don't like you, then you know that I don't expect you to do anything like this.

Someone on this forum already bought me a gift card, and I couldn't be more grateful. I'm not going to say who it was because they didn't post in this thread, but I've always thought quite highly of them.

If I still had the disposable income that I used to have when I lived with my parents, and someone were to post a thread like this, I'd be more than happy to help them out.

In fact, I kinda remember supporting musical projects of various boarders through the years and buying their stuff.

Just sayin'.