wanna check a raw/lively as fuck mix of one of the best bands in the world?

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
What a pleasure working on their stuff....
lots of room mics, drums recorded to tape, the whole thing mastered to tape, only analog outboard compression....

ok, this is just a rough mix, there's still some automation to do, but I kinda like the vibe of it already...
The goal was NOT to have the cleanest most modern mix, but something "open" and "wide" sounding with lots of punch.

anyways...bear in mind that this is not finished.

Trials Rough
Sounds awesome, I wouldn't even describe it as particularly raw sounding - I think it holds up fine next to modern mixes while still being unique. Love the drums and guitars.
yeah, not sure if "raw" is the perfect word...we were definitely going for "unique" though.
I was aiming for lots of space between all the seperate instruments, and a wide airy image...
yeah, raw may not be the right term, it's more like "fucking crystal clear"

and btw. dat snare...!!!!
Yeah this is clear as fuck and incredibly powerful, reminds me of how a Death record should've been produced. Almost wishing to hear more room on the drums but I also appreciate the fact that I'm not hearing any obviously fake verb.
I also had the overhead mics rather high for this one...didn't use the cymbal spot mics at all....
then there are two sets of room mics, one about 8ft or so, the other one at the other end of the huge room
Well im probaly gonna get kicked in the ass now, but i don't like it.

The reasons are many, there is no diffinition on the guitars in the back or the rytm guitars. To me it sounds like noise...
The toms is just a tiny click. Dosent sound like toms to me.
The snare seems to drown / get tiny in some parts of the songs.

I listened to it 3 times in a row and my ear got really tired of listing to those guitars. They seem to be way to forward in the mix, you actually have to consentrate to hear the other elements in the mix cus the guitar are popping out so much.

Sorry :(
...you're wrong though (j/k, not everyone can have the same taste)
(or probably just not used to natural sounding drums, that's a very common thing these days unfortunately.)
Hehe your gonna hate me now :D

I think the drums are decent, the kick sounds alot like a sample when played fast. But i guess its just cus you processed it alot.
My problem with this track is not the drums tho, its the guitars and the lack of power in the toms/snare and the levels generaly :D

Fine you can shoot me now :)

Ps. Its not that i can do any better (yet) ;)