Wanna hear my sad story?


F.U.2 Master
Feb 6, 2002
I know most folks here don't want or need to hear a sad story, but here's one that may make you laugh abit. About 8 years ago, when I was living in Seattle and I had about 100+ CD's stolen from me. My entire Metallica collection, almost all of the Iron Maiden's, entire Ozzy collection, and ofcourse(here's the one that stings!) about 10 Anthrax CD's! I actually had about $500 to $600 worth of stuff stolen which ofcourse was taken directly to a pawn shop! I see many Thrax fans on the board mentioning trades and other hard to find items. Man, how depressing! I still miss these Anthrax cd's.

Among those stolen:
1-Fistful of metal
2-State of Eurphoria
3-Among the living
4-Persistence of time
5-I'm the man
6-Armed and Dangerous
7-Spreading the disease
8-Attack of the killer B's(non edited)
9-Friggin in the riggin single(can't remember what it was called)
10-Anthrax live, the Island years

I'll be replacing these finally after so many years! Sounds like it may be hard to find some of them now.
Hey, man, I'm sorry.
A friend of mine had the same thing happen to him. What I did was make a list of my cds and he looked down it to see what cds I had that he used to have. I then made the offer to buy the cdrs to burn them and charge him just the price of the cdrs or he could buy his own cdrs and I'd burn the cds for him. Since I found a deal at the time, 50 for $25, he went for me buying them for him. If you want, I can do the same for you. When I buy cdrs, they're for a little over 50 cents a peice, so I'd sell them to you for 2 for a $1.
I have 9 of them, I don't have friggin in the riggin, sorry. But like I said, I could help you out with that. Let me know.
My email address is

If there are other cds you're missing and would at least like a copy of back, let me know what you need. I'm not out to make money on it, I just want to help out fellow fans of metal who got screwded. I don't charge for the *time* of making the cd, I just sell you a cd-r.
dude, that fucking sucks!!! i had a bunch of cd's stolen back when i lived in waldorf (maryland) it really pissed me off......i have 120+ cd's now and i listen to them all.....i couldnt fucking live w/o either listening to or playing music!
When ac/dc's razors edge album came out, I bought it, took it to school the next day and it got stolen, along w/ my old school jvc cd player that actually loaded from the front like a car unit does! To this day I want to extract revenge on the motherfucker who stole my shit! You will pay, mystery man! You will pay.:muahaha:
The violence, Greg!!

First you want to kill Nickelback...wait, can't blame ya there.

I can see the guy who stole your shit. I hate people.

But I think I'm going to sign you up for some Anger Management classes. They're right across the hall from Justin's Time Management classes. You guys should carpool and save the earth!!!


Now, if you will excuse me, I have some Sopranos DVDs to watch and some lunch to eat (GOD, I mean, BUSH, I love nap time!!!)
Eating BUSH? I'm not gonna touch that one w/ a ten foot pole!:lol: