Intriguing, Glenn! Checking bank accounts now...

Mosquito has some good questions: if $5 can make a difference, will you let us know when we get close? Say, within $100? I'd hate to think we'd lose out entirely just because of a relatively small amount.
I just realized that based on a lot of the criteria, it could be White Wizzard. That would fucking rule.

Not sure about CD sales though.
By the time WW came on the scene, CD sales were dead.

Me thinks it has to be someone who has been around a little while, based on the CD sales. That is, unless all the others aside from HF and Kamelot have VERY poor US sales, which sadly could be these days.
huh??? on what planet? Plus White Wizzard just went through another line up change this past weekend. I highly doubt they have outsold Hammerfall and Kamalot in CD's

Everyone except. I'd easily take a guess that there's quite the disparity between Hammerfall & Kamelot sales vs the rest of the roster.
Me thinks it has to be someone who has been around a little while, based on the CD sales. That is, unless all the others aside from HF and Kamelot have VERY poor US sales, which sadly could be these days.

Agreed, especially with the lineup this year, I'm willing to bet there is a very big gap between the Kamelot-Hammerfall sales levels and the next ones down. I'd be surprised if Nocturnal Rites and Tarot have sold even 10% of the headliners.

I think a pretty close year would be 2004. PoS and Edguy appear to be pretty even with their respective fanbases.
Everyone except. I'd easily take a guess that there's quite the disparity between Hammerfall & Kamelot sales vs the rest of the roster.

Exactly, and WW's debut record got a shit-ton of press (it had a commercial on VH1 Classic for fuck's sake), was readily available at chain retailers. That alone makes me VERY confident their US sales could outnumber all the other bands on the bill besides the headliners. Aside from Kamelot and Hammerfall almost all the bands on this year are virtually unknown in the US.

Also, White Wizzard toured America recently as a support band, and I know a lot of people who went to see the show just for them, and they are no doubt high-energy and on the rise. Also, because of their very "classic metal" approach, they have the ability to alienate true Prog fans and such.

I stand by what I said.
Yep, as much as I like Noc Rites, what have they sold in the States, maybe 2000 of each release? Granted, I have no clue what HF and Kamelot have sold, but at least those releases are somewhat easy to come by in retail outlets.
i would say RHAPSODY OF FIRE, they just release their new album The Frozen Tears Of Angels:rock:

You seriously have no clue then what Rhapsody's guarantee is then do you? :lol: Also, as much as most here love to hate on Manowar, I seriously doubt in any city, the number of Rhapsody fans outnumbered the Manowarriors in the house.

And BTW, I love Rhapsody. Just don't agree with your guess. Sorry.
Coheed was actually the first name that popped into my head, but I don't think they're likely.

Rhapsody is only a possibility if for some reason the band themselves were voluntarily scaling back their stage show by a lot. Otherwise, the amount of Paypal donations needed would probably be out of reach and there's no way Glenn would be able to cover 2/3 of their cost. Furthermore, I do not believe they fit the first bullet point criteria: they are not "on the rise" in the world. This would've been true 1998-2001. But to be honest they are basically over the hill and starting to come down the other side. I love Rhapsody and believe they have a lot of life left in them, but the "fire" that made them an underground phenomenon for the first three-four albums is just not there anymore.
Haha, I'm pretty sure these bands would never be on ProgPower anyway, but even if they were, based on their popularity I'm SURE they would have to be headliners, not the 3rd-highest out of 7 bands.

I am just trying to think of pseudo-mainstream prog bands... I saw White Wizzard mentioned and I was like "MAINSTREAM???" Hahaha....

Coheed and Cambria and Porcupine Tree are bands that are listened to among this crowd and yet they still are mainstream draws...... both have toured the US recently.... and C&C just had a new album and PT has another coming this year....

I really don't know what kind of album sales they have, but realistically, they should be a lot higher than Kamelot or Hammerfall, that's for sure. But who knows!
Well no one said that the band had to be "mainstream", it doesn't take a mainstream band to outsell every band on this bill besides Kamelot and Hammerfall. Hell, it wouldnt even take a really commercially successful one to top all the other bands' US sales combined.