Want good metal? Look to the USA.


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Think about it. In my opinion, some of the most innovative stuff I've heard in recent times is from the USA.

Heavy Metal: Hammers of Misfortune, Slough Feg - anything Scalzi and Cobbet touch turns to gold (from their stuff I've heard).

Black Metal: Xasthur, Weakling (the latter being the most innovative stuff I've heard in a while, although I'd say it was more derived from BM). Otherwise, I'll admit defeat and give this category to the Ukraine.

Dark Metal: Agalloch. Enough said.

Death Metal: Vital Remains, Nile (yeah, maybe I'm not any expert here, but from what I've heard, Dechristianize and Black Seeds pretty much still blows the modern-day competition away).

Thrash Metal: Exodus & Death Angel - these two bands have brought Thrash metal home again. Let's be completely honest, it should never have really left in the first place. There is something much more genuine about Bay Area Thrash than any other thrash. And even if it isn't Bay Area, it's God Forbid.

I'm sure there are other bands that other people can comment on, such as Watchmaker etc (I've never heard these guys, but they are making waves regardless).

Bold statement about the USA being the next breeding ground perhaps, but these bands I listed aren't just 'good' - they're actually leading the charge, or at minimum, they're positioned in the front lines.

If Sweden held this position over the last few years, I would possibly dispute that today. Most of the Swedish stuff I'm hearing today seems like factory assembled music now. The inspiration for something new is lacking.


I just cannot believe the hype about Agalloch until someone has hooked me up with Tomorrow Will Never Come 7' :loco:
I have bad experiences with CM-shop. Llast time I emailed them about Ulver's Vargnatt they never reply and I ended up to buy it from Ebay.
If you have something you want, PM me the wanted-list and let me see if I have anything!
JayKeeley said:
Dechristianize pretty much blows

Completely agree!

But looking at things...

... we've got the best guitar player (Jarzombek)...

... when it comes to traditional metal Jag Panzer has been beating the crap out of the other 'old masters' (it's a marathon, not a sprint!)... Solitude Aeturnus should be up there again with their new album (fingers crossed)... and then things like Pharaoh are just the yyeeess of new school old school without falling down the Hellostairs...

... on the more experimental end, we've got bands like Hammers of Misfortune (more conceptually experimental than in execution, but if album 3 is as different to album 2 as 2 was to 1, which was a big step from the demo, then we put them here as well), Kayo Dot, Aesma Daeva... we're not hurting there.

... there's a wave of instrumental metal ready to break as well, with Canvas Solaris, Hematovore, Behold the Arctopus, etc, making great stuff...

... and even modern day metal bands which aren't experimental but are the 'next step' like Cea Serin, Lilitu, Zero Hour, Agalloch...

Go USA! Go USA! Raaahhh!

... now if we're talking straight genres like death, black, and thrash metal... meh.
I guess I should throw in my input.

You forgot doom: Evoken, Esoteric, Morgion

And the US pretty much rules the -core genres with Neurosis, Isis, Today is the Day, etc. No other country even cmes close. Granted, other than Sweden, no one is even trying.

The US has always had a strong metal scene. It's just that when people think of American music, they instantly think of nu-metal (which isn't even metal)
Morbid Angel, Hate Eternal, Sunn 0))), Today is the Day, etc.

Lots of great bands here. Always has been, just most are overshadowed by all the schlock this country produces.
Yeah, granted there are good bands from the USA, but are some of these other bands listed considered to be actual LEADERS in their field? There's a difference.

For example, Hate Eternal? Morbid Angel? Are these bands progressively releasing better albums?

Yeah, forgot the doom ones. Don't know enough about -core.

What about prog? Symphony X has to be carrying a torch for something. Well, at least their albums have got progressively better anyway.
While I don't think Morbid Angel is still on the absolute top of their game, I recently came to the conclusion that they are Best. Deathmetalband. Ever. The influence they have wielded over the entire genre is staggering, I hear it damn near everywhere. Bands like Nile and Mithras simply wouldn't exist without Morbid Angel forging the path.

I would consider Sunn 0))) a leader, definitely. I only know so many doom bands though.
M.Lehto said:
If you have something you want, PM me the wanted-list and let me see if I have anything!
I don't have a want-list really. Do you have a list of stuff you want to get rid of?
Jim LotFP said:
... we've got the best guitar player (Jarzombek)...
This is Spastic Ink right? I haven't come across them yet. Is it really out there polyrythmic techy nerd metal?

... there's a wave of instrumental metal ready to break as well, with Canvas Solaris, Hematovore, Behold the Arctopus, etc, making great stuff...
Literally pure instrumental? Can you elaborate on the band styles?
before checking spastic ink it should be wise to check W A T C H T O W E R
USA still produces the best in all gengres.
If you take each gengre and look for its leaders, you will find an american bands leading it.