War begins, as does the assault on our intelligence...


Jul 1, 2002
London, England
We are currently experiencing a most remarkable example of all-out media manipulation. The war on Iraq has begun but because the political situation has not progressed quickly enough they're pretending that it hasn't happened.

Using terms like "preparation for a possible war" - I thought preparation was what you did before you start bombing (?) Then we have "aggressive shift in strategy" and "escalation of action". Of course, they have the ultimate term of distraction in "no-fly-zone". Something imposed on Iraq, if I am right, without specific basis in any UN resolution and covering about half of the country.

The US's own self-imposed terms of engagement for the "no-fly-zone" were very strict and limited to strikes on anti-aircraft batteries only after they had attempted to lock onto US aircraft. The press releases actually go as far as mentioning that the new targets include surface to surface missile and "other" sites - outside of their own rules of engagement.

This is actually a moot point. The the initial stealth take-out of missile batteries during the darkness of the new moon is the necessary first phase of any modern US war in this kind of geographical location. Everything on the military side of things is running according to schedule. The political side, it seems, is lagging behind. When that finally catches up and this "action" can be presented with a ring of "legitimacy" :lol: I guess they can start calling it "war" as opposed to "preparation for war".

When it's announced as a "war", as in Gulf War 1, we receive a proud announcement of the number of sorties each night. Funny the way that detail is missing for "preparation for war". Expect further sorties tonight and tomorrow night during which time 101st Airborne and special forces will likely be dropped into many positions deep inside Iraq to prepare the advanced ground-war positions - being covert, that would never need to be reported anyway.

Remarkable how the public idea of a world event can be formed so easily just by the name given to it.

Agreed. This is so fucked up. And no matter what Iraq does, how much they ever comply, US makes new rules for them to follow. For example, the long range missiles that UN claims had too great a range are in the process of being destroyed (I believe they are all destroyed by now) and the dump sites for VX and Anthrax after the war in -91 have been reopened and it turns out Iraq actually had disposed of their bio-weapons (even if it wasn't the best disposal ever...).
Iraq keeps giving in, and US keeps pushing. Now they say, after all the other demands are met, that war cannot be avoided unless Saddam leaves his post willingly (something they know will never happen, thus making the war inevitable)! I am so pissed off with goddamn Bush and his war-mongering... he's a bloodthirsty psychopath with no good reason to go to war except to live up to his dad's accomplishment... and oil. Why can't peace be more attractive than war? It is a mystery to me why mankind is so focused on the destruction of each other. Sure, there are awful people out there, but if everyone just backs off and calms down, agreements can be reached in peace, for certain.

And why doesn't the Bush administration take Saddams suggestion of a live discussion between the two presidents seriously? Are they afraid that Pea-brain Bush will lack the words and political ability to stand up to Saddam? Are they afraid that the world will see their true reason for this war (which we all know already but choose to ignore)?

I say to hell with the Bush administration and their politics of war. It will lead to no good for anyone. All of mankind will suffer from this, and no good will come of it, ever.