War Metal / Battle Metal / NSBM

En Vind Av Sorg said:
wow that was fast. and imagine all i had to do was think for 3 seconds.

Sarcasm? You insult me? :mad: cheers all the same :)

Does anyone know of a Greek NSBM band caklled Wolfnacht? Today I bought their album Night Of The Werewolf for $13, simply because I could :p Never heard of 'em before. Anyone know anything? Apparently it's a one-man project, and the guy has two "pagan folk black metal" side-projects...busy bee.....

And, anyone know Eisenwinter? I nearly bought a split CD with them and Aryan Blood...I've heard of the latter but not the former...
Sorry if i came across in that demenor, i was suprised as how fast i found it myself, i thought i would have to do more exstensive searching. I did email the contact about why the item does not appear when i click on it, so we shall see what occurs next.
I would just like to announce that Goat Horns is eating me up alive. It's quite beautiful really - although the beauty is more immediate, unlike Nightside Eclipse which is much more 'taunting' and took me the better half of a year to begin to understand it.

What next in the mighty NM roster? I want beautiful, dark, barbaric metal.
JayKeeley said:
I would just like to announce that Goat Horns is eating me up alive. It's quite beautiful really - although the beauty is more immediate, unlike Nightside Eclipse which is much more 'taunting' and took me the better half of a year to begin to understand it.

What next in the mighty NM roster? I want beautiful, dark, barbaric metal.
To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fire!
More agressive and with heavier sound but still got those great keyboards, though they are a bit more in the background. It is kinda different from Goat Horns, but almost as good..
Also I think it's more similar to Emperor's ITNE..
NeChrist and Lunar Poetry are also of pretty much the same standards. You want all NM stuff you can get your hands on, basically.

As for me, "Goat Horns" arrived here today. Woo. Together with the Agalloch 7" (215/500, signed by Haughm) and Empyrium "Songs of Moors..."
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Sorry if i came across in that demenor, i was suprised as how fast i found it myself, i thought i would have to do more exstensive searching.

No worries brother, I was teasing :)

No Wolfnacht fans here, then? ^_^
phyre said:
I have "Engla Tocyme", and am planning on getting the other Forefather releases. Very good stuff.

I have Deep into Time. It's very raw "Anglo-Saxon" metal - I'm not sure what to make of it since it's slightly bared boned for me, heh.

I hear The Fighting Man is their best one.
Bump, cause this is a cool thread/discussion that I missed the first go 'round.

Erik & Lutz have already said all there is to say about Nokturnal Mortem, and they do indeed rule (at least what I've heard).

I'm more curious/interested in what exactly makes a band NSBM, or "war metal/battle metal." Dreamlord mentioned Graveland, and to me, they're carrying on the pagan/viking style of early-90s Bathory (at least musically), so what is it? Lyrics?
By the way, has anyone heard any Destroyer 666? I have Phoneix Rising, and it's very very good...I might review that one day...

Also, is the general consensus from everyone that Graveland is good? I mean, white supremacy aside and all that - is there some depth to their music? Any good place to start?
yea definetley check out following the voice of blood and immortal pride. The demeanor, pride and power of both the music and lyrics on those CDs is very moving to me. True im not a hardcore racist, but Gravelands music is much more thatn simply that. Destroyer 666 is pretty good top. I have a burned copy of Phoneix Rising somewhere...
En Vind Av Sorg said:
yea definetley check out following the voice of blood and immortal pride.

And where can you get this stuff without having to pay $16-$18? Even on eBay, this stuff doesn't go for less than $10 used!
markgugs said:
I'm more curious/interested in what exactly makes a band NSBM, or "war metal/battle metal." Dreamlord mentioned Graveland, and to me, they're carrying on the pagan/viking style of early-90s Bathory (at least musically), so what is it? Lyrics?

It would have to be lyrics, though I'd be interested to hear a 'National Socialist guitar sound' :)
Ayeka said:
It would have to be lyrics, though I'd be interested to hear a 'National Socialist guitar sound' :)

I'm not even sure what NSBM really is anymore. It's not just simply racism right? I mean, someone can be anti-religion / anti - judeochristian with no problems with race relations (since they are mutually exclusive), and still fall into the 'NSBM' bucket...in theory, of course.

Or am I wrong? To truly qualify for NSBM status, you need to believe in white supremacy and all that stuff? And where do all the Nazi elements come into it, especially since Nazi'ism is synonymous with the 'Fatherland', and NOT places like Poland...
To be NSBM you would have to 'believe' (not quite the right word but y'know what I mean) in National Socialism, hence the NS prefix. I'm not exactly hot on the nuances of Nazism, so a more informed person needs to tell you what makes you quality as one. Anti-religion and/or judeo-christianity isn't quite enough.

When it comes down to non-German bands doing it, no doubt they'll be singing the praises of their own Fatherland. I find it quite ironic you mention Poland there, though, as those subhuman Slavs were quite an enemy of the Nazis, weren't they? :p