War Metal / Battle Metal / NSBM

The beliefs and actions of the original Nazi party NSDAP don't necessarily always coincide with those of neo-Nazis; i.e. Slavs may find it fit to use NS ideologies for their purposes even though the leader of the first NS party didn't really like Slavs. Also, don't expect neo-nazis to be coherent and non-contradictory in their beliefs. They're mostly not.

NSBM needs to be NS. NS does not equal racism, Jay... NS is a political ideology like any other. Whether NSBM at all qualifies as a type of BM is questionable, because while BM, in the eyes of most who care, should promote war, hate, death and such, NS really has very different goals... NS is "life-loving," as Euronymous would've put it.
Actually, I should clarify the above. While NSBM often promotes war, (against Christianity and various subhumans) hate (against the same) and death (of subhumans again) what NS wants to achieve is a functioning society of a kind that the ideology of traditional BM would distance itself from, as it wants chaos and evil, death to everything and all kinds of nasty things.
It is my understanding that National Socialism was just a fascist worker's political party, Hitler tossed in the racist aspect later. Back in college I read something about the formation of the Nazi party, it was like the party for angry workers tired of insolence. Sort of like Marx' Proletariat revolution with more violence really, leading to an oppressive society rather than a utopia. *goes to read Lenin and Trotsky*

Concerning the music, I don't know. I still haven't completely embraced black metal so I don't know all the nooks and crannies therein. What little I do know I love though. :)
JayKeeley, you should pick up "Lunar Poetry". It's loads better than "Goat Horns" which is still really good, but a bit too keyboardy. LP is, for the most part, absolutely beautiful BM.

"Perun's Celestial Silver" is just one of those songs you HAVE to hear, and it's one of my favourite songs ever. In fact, I'm going to go listen to it now.
'e's got some balls to 'ave that tattooed on 'is throat though! :eek:

NAD said:
It is my understanding that National Socialism was just a fascist worker's political party, Hitler tossed in the racist aspect later. Back in college I read something about the formation of the Nazi party, it was like the party for angry workers tired of insolence. Sort of like Marx' Proletariat revolution with more violence really, leading to an oppressive society rather than a utopia. *goes to read Lenin and Trotsky*

Concerning the formation of the party...yeah, is kinda true. I was reading an excellent biography of Hitler last summer (a bit too excellent - so bloody big I never finished it :cry: ) and from what I remember the Nazi party changed drastically from what it stood for at its inception and later after Hitler had exerted his influence. Apart from the fundamental aspects...this is a time where I could really do with that book next to me :mad:

I did coursework on this as well, and learnt (read: was told by teacher so we would get good marks ;)) that because of the way the Nazi party worked, a lot of policies were determined by subordinates in a "what would Hitler want?" kind of way. Dunno why I just said that, just to kind of show how fuzzy the lines are here, and probably these people end up contradicting themselves sometimes...
Well, that Wolfnacht album finally arrived...and, well, what can I say? If you think Absurd is genius then this is ideal, but if you are normal like me then the flaws start appearing...

Shit production. Check. But we can excuse like. We cannot excuse the title track sounding, as my friend put it, like Avril Lavigne. I kid ye not. Black Metal goes pop. You should all go see if you can download Night Of The Werewolf from somewhere, it's like a bad comedy BM song. And the chorus: "Night - Ov - Ze - Verevulf" *awooooooo*! :lol: You don't get much worse cliches than that!

The following songs are 'much' better, although the kvlt production, as ever, is a letdown as it takes all the power out of the songs. Some sound like bad old-school punk with BM vocals. The covers on here are good, anyone heard of a band called Halgadom? Absurd (who else?) are represented here also.

The kind man I bought this off also sent a free 150666 sampler CD, whom I assume are an obscure foreign record label. Not necessarily NSBM bands (though I think Goetia are...) but some ok songs on here. And some shit as well. One band, I think it is Griffar, played Darkthrone's card of "let's be kvlt and made the drums inaudable"....

I leave you with Wolfnacht's fantastic sleeve notes:

"Z.O.G.'s prison cells shall NEVER stop us 'cause the National Socialist Flame burns in our souls and the jewish puppets shall NEVER control our souls. Even if one of us is still alive & free, the White Aryan Resistance will keep going - HEIL HITLER 'til Victory or DEATH! FREE HENDRIK MÖBUS!"
They're Greek :)

Who the hell are Z.O.G. anyway?! I was reading an interview with Blackdeath, one of the 150666 bands and they came up there also! It sounds like a cartoon monster for fuck's sake!!!!!!
Ayeka said:
Who the hell are Z.O.G. anyway?! I was reading an interview with Blackdeath, one of the 150666 bands and they came up there also! It sounds like a cartoon monster for fuck's sake!!!!!!

I think ZOG was the bastard offspring of Mothra, just after Godzilla gave that oversized bug a good hard shafting.
OK I Just took the plunge and ordered some stuff:

Graveland - Immortal Pride
Kristallnacht - Of Eilitism and War
Nargaroth - Amarok
Woodtemple - Feel the Anger of the Wind

All blind purchases through morbid curiosity. Where be my walking stick? :cool:
I tried to go for Of Elitism And War on eBay once, but the bouyer refused to sell overseas :(

I shall have to find a way of prying these from your hands :cool:
JayKeeley said:
OK I Just took the plunge and ordered some stuff:

Graveland - Immortal Pride
Kristallnacht - Of Eilitism and War
Nargaroth - Amarok
Woodtemple - Feel the Anger of the Wind

All blind purchases through morbid curiosity. Where be my walking stick? :cool:
Good haul,
The first three are all great buys. Especially the Graveland one.
Woodtemple I have not heard.
phyre said:
Whether NSBM at all qualifies as a type of BM is questionable, because while BM, in the eyes of most who care, should promote war, hate, death and such, NS really has very different goals... NS is "life-loving," as Euronymous would've put it.

"life loving" as long as that life be segregated by colour. I'm not sure how that distinction can be made, however, in somewhere like America - there is ZERO 'pure blood' in this country, particularly amongst 'white' people. Most people here can't even go back further than 100 years in their heritage since it is SO mixed. Groups like the KKK might as well pack up and go home.

But hypothetically, at some point, using the NS rule-of-thumb, even white people will start to strain and filter amongest themselves. How white is white? Does it belong to pure Germanic ancestary? What if you're quarter Portugese and a 2/8ths Polack gypsy? Where does it all begin - Africa? That's what Darwinists will tell you, and I'll lean towards Darwinism as opposed to Creationism any day of the week.

The definition of "aryan" is so confused - Hitler stole it because of the literal translation ('noble'). Or perhaps the British fucked with the term in India. Either way, to me, an "aryan" is one from Persian descent. And yes, pure Persians happen to have blonde hair, blue eyes, and a nice tan....aha!