
Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact


Janne truly is just, a God of the Keys. This band truly amazes and enthralls me, despite many short-comings, like not having consistant, good vocals. I mean the vocals are good I spose (the guests like Kim Goss and Alexi especially), but I don't feel they suite the songs. I even prefer the instrumental songs to most of the ones with vocals. If they found a well matched vocalist, one who was in the band as a permanent fixture, I think they'd quickly ascend to one of the BEST bands on the scene.

Janne's playing just captivates me. If he sat down with Mozart and Beethoven, and others, I think he'd pwn them, seriously. Maybe not for songwriting and that shit, composing wise, but just for sheer skills. I honestly think he could out-play most of them, if not all.

I just got Beyond Abilities (I already had Unknown Soldier and Accept the Fact, 2 fucking spectacular CD's), but OMFG! The title track, first off, is FUCKING MIND BLOWING! LITERALLY... After that movie quote in the beginning... it's like Bodom's keyboard stuff injected with steroids and speed, then released to stampede through your ears... it's intense. Some tracks are slow, but I think they are meant to be that way to fit the female vocals of Kim. Also, the track "Hidden" soudns like an anthem most the girls would be playing over and over again. Anyways I'll stop ranting, all I will say is:

If you haven't heard anything by this band, do so immediately. As a CoB fan, you'll appreciate Janne's work, the whole band is pretty solid actually. And with guest vocalists from Synergy and CoB, you will be entertained. Alexi's cover of an 80's song (I had actually heard the original years before that has Michael Jackson in it) 'Somebody's watching me' is just a real treat. Quite funny and like I said, as a Bodom fan, you'll like it.​

(P.S. I searched the forum, found no thread with this subject/title but I only searched the first 8 pages, so, if there is already one I apologise.)

SO give me your thoughts and opinions on WARMEN!! (Your fav song, solo, etc...)​
Totally agreed, Warmen is totally sick. Janne really stretches his abilities on these albums, and he shows you that he can write just as well as Alexi. Even the bass parts and guitar parts are rock. Get "Accept the Fact" (the newest Warmen album) it is mindblowing to say the absolute least.
MasqueReaper said:
Totally agreed, Warmen is totally sick. Janne really stretches his abilities on these albums, and he shows you that he can write just as well as Alexi. Even the bass parts and guitar parts are rock. Get "Accept the Fact" (the newest Warmen album) it is mindblowing to say the absolute least.
FUCK YEAH! Accept the fact is a faster paced album, to me. They're all enjoyable but, that one stands out to me, well they all do. The title track on that CD is the shit, I love it. But the title track from Beyond Abilities blows it out of the water. But yes, Janne does demonstrate those qualities with his music through this band, that's for damned sure. Very creative and SKILLAGED human being.

BucketBanger9000 said:
As I have said many times before, Warmen was for the stuff that was too awsome for COB.
Yes, well, the keyboard parts at least that's for FUCKING SURE. It's CoB keys on overdose. And what would be great, though I know it'd never happen is, when CoB is on tour, Warmen accompanies them, and plays a few tracks as support beforehand. That'd be very interesting, and like, good exposure for his band at the same time.

EDIT: I'd rather hear Warmen play than fucking Gojira.. :erk:
Got a warmen music player on my myspazzzzz.

And have started warmen, cob, norther, sinergy and gashouse garden groups.

Warmen are great.
i totally read the title as hymen... wow... im a perv
AlexiLiimatainen said:
Ummm, this is news? Warmen is cool, although the songs tend to be kind of weak if you ask me. BTW, you're fucking dumb if you think Janne even compares to Mozart, come on now.
I never said it was news, but it's CoB related, and I didn't find another topic that was the same when I searched, so I figured I'd make a tribute Janne's efforts and make a thread just for him/his band. In my opinion, I think some are slow, but not weak.

And thanks for your opinion. I listen to BOTH (Well, Mozart's music no one has heard him actually play obviously :p), and I do think he compares in skill. Like, extrapolating from Mozart's work, the skill it would take to play his pieces, I think they can be compared. As far as writing goes, Mozart has the upperhand on Janne, undoubtedly.

i totally read the title as hymen... wow... im a perv
:lol: :lol: :lol: yes, you are :p :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
^I have ears, I don't need to take an uber amount of courses in school / post-secondary to form my own opinion. I didn't say it matter-of-factly, I just expressed an opinion. So ignore that if it bothers you, and reply to something else, regarding Warmen... like how each CD has an awesome classically based song.. (Warcry of Salieri, Return of Salieri, and Salieri Strikes Back) :D:D:D
Yeah, I think that Warmen kicks some serious ass!

Pretty nice to listen once in a while because it kinda is a bit more melodic than Bodom but still the sound atmosphere, in a way, is a lot like Bodom's. :p

When I first heard about the band (probably somewhere near the release of 'Beyond Abilities'), my absolute favourite song was 'Salieri Strikes Back'. I just love the main melody, solos and everything else on it! :kickass: I think it's still my favourite song from Warmen. :)
Mystique1721 said:
^ dude, learn your theory and then speak.

Right. Most Bodom/Warmen songs are in D, therefore, he hardly ever has to touch the black keys, particularly in the scalar runs he does so much. And when he has to play in a key he's not comfortable in, he'll use the pitch wheel to transpose - he said so himself on a thread a while ago. Those things might not mean anything to the average person, but as a musician myself, it annoys me when people compare him to superhuman composers/players like Mozart. Now don't get me wrong, Janne's a pretty solid player, and a much better keyboard player than I am, but there are many, MANY players that were and are far better than him.
Ben Johnson said:
Right. Most Bodom/Warmen songs are in D, therefore, he hardly ever has to touch the black keys, particularly in the scalar runs he does so much. And when he has to play in a key he's not comfortable in, he'll use the pitch wheel to transpose - he said so himself on a thread a while ago. Those things might not mean anything to the average person, but as a musician myself, it annoys me when people compare him to superhuman composers/players like Mozart. Now don't get me wrong, Janne's a pretty solid player, and a much better keyboard player than I am, but there are many, MANY players that were and are far better than him.

Ok, fine, I retract my statement. It was just my opinion, based upon hearing both of their works, I thought they'd you know, be equals, or in the same skill level, playing-wise, not composing. In my mind they could have been. But since I know jack-shit about music, and everyone else here seems to know a shitload, I guess I'm gonna be proven wrong, big time. So forget I said that statement about him being better than Mozart/classic composers, and lets all continue to hail Warmen. I know Janne's not the best there was, is or will be, but he's still amazing to me and nothing will diminish that.

P.S. Thanks for giving me the BEST idea for an AWESOME sig. I love it.
Heartless_Name said:
Ok, fine, I retract my statement. It was just my opinion, based upon hearing both of their works, I thought they'd you know, be equals, or in the same skill level, playing-wise, not composing. In my mind they could have been. But since I know jack-shit about music, and everyone else here seems to know a shitload, I guess I'm gonna be proven wrong, big time. So forget I said that statement about him being better than Mozart/classic composers, and lets all continue to hail Warmen. I know Janne's not the best there was, is or will be, but he's still amazing to me and nothing will diminish that.

P.S. Thanks for giving me the BEST idea for an AWESOME sig. I love it.

Nah, man. You don't have to retract your statement. It's a perfectly valid opinion, and I respect that. As long as you don't say Kirk Hammett is the greatest guitarist who ever lived, I can be happy. Cuz then I'd have to kick you in the balls.

BTW, HA!!! I have sigs turned off because they're usually so huge. I turned them back on just to see that I've been immortalized. :lol:

:erk: Just kidding, don't kick me nuts. :p

But do you listen to Warmen?

EDIT: And yes, you deservedly(if that's a word) have been.
Heartless_Name said:

:erk: Just kidding, don't kick me nuts. :p

But do you listen to Warmen?

Yup. And I totally dig the maximized keyboarditude (that's a word, says me). It's a shame most people don't like keyboards in metal music.
Ben Johnson said:
Yup. And I totally dig the maximized keyboarditude (that's a word, says me). It's a shame most people don't like keyboards in metal music.
I think they're frowned upon a great deal when combined with metal, because previously, they were generally only used for homo techno/dance music and synth stuff in the 80's, which I can see as being despised by metal fans. But now there's no reason to hate them in metal, but they continue to be disliked, especially by the REAL black metal fanatics.

You know, the people that think bands with keyboards are ghey and bash them, then turn around and jerk off to trash like 'Beatrik'. Some of these people listen to music that's like, deathly whiney, but in a like gothic(?)/despairaged voice. Harsh, cry baby vocals, wailing on and on, flatter than a preteen girl, and that seem to cry more than an emo-kid who's misplaced his razorblade. So they've really no right.

And well, I have great respect for anyone who can pwn any instrument the way Janne does. Whether it be violin, flute, etc... The guy from Korpiklaani has my utmost respect, I should learn his name sometime, but myeh. I coulda googled it, but that'd be poseurish. :p :lol:
^^^ i love keys in metal. i play keys for my band.
warmen is fuckin sick. hate the vocals though. like when the vox are cut out and it's just janne shred, it owns like "war of the worlds". goooood song.