^ I agree, I don't hate the vocals, but they could be A LOT better. They don't necessarily have to be harsh, or else they'd be called a 'CoB rip-off' prolly by people, but they definately need to find a GREAT vocalist who's well-suited to their type of music. I think that'd catapult them to a new level, despite being instrumentally amazing already. I at the moment, prefer most of their songs that do not feature any vocals, and I just listen to Janne and the band play.

But that was his intention, to just play great instrumentals, and to have guest vocalists for a few tracks, and just have a cool side project where he could show off his overall skills on his spare time, but without it becoming too well known and then drawing him away from CoB, since they obviously need him and he has a great deal of commitment to that band.

P.S. Soldiers of Fortune is a great, ambient(?) song from Unknown Soldier. Very reminiscient of 'Downfall' and general CoB keyboard solos.

MasqueReaper said:
Totally agreed, Warmen is totally sick. Janne really stretches his abilities on these albums, and he shows you that he can write just as well as Alexi. Even the bass parts and guitar parts are rock. Get "Accept the Fact" (the newest Warmen album) it is mindblowing to say the absolute least.

Bass and guitar parts are ok? With Lauri Porra on bass you are bound to have amazing bass lines, and the guitar solos are sometimes harder than bodom.
Well I guess we already had thousands of threads about warmen but hey, this band is so awesone that it deserves another thread :kickass:
I think I got to know the band while listening to Trip to... the song you can download somewhere on the internet. It was so great that I immidiatiatly bought Accept the fact (cause BA was sold out) It´s really a great album. I now also have BA and US. I think the best album is still BA although I like the songs with vocals more on ATF
Ben Johnson said:
Right. Most Bodom/Warmen songs are in D, therefore, he hardly ever has to touch the black keys, particularly in the scalar runs he does so much. And when he has to play in a key he's not comfortable in, he'll use the pitch wheel to transpose - he said so himself on a thread a while ago. Those things might not mean anything to the average person, but as a musician myself, it annoys me when people compare him to superhuman composers/players like Mozart. Now don't get me wrong, Janne's a pretty solid player, and a much better keyboard player than I am, but there are many, MANY players that were and are far better than him.
He also uses the modulation wheel to octave jump

I love warmen mainly because im a keyboard player so its a big inspiration along with the classical composers especially bach or other rock keyboardist like Jens or Vitalij or Bob Katsionis.

I listen to Warmen more frequently than I do COB now.
i kinda know mirka rantanen (drummer of warmen and thunderstone), so i bought "beyond abilities" and liked it really much so i bought "accept
the fact".. now i have to bought "unknown soldier" too. fuck :)
ShadowsWithin said:
He also uses the modulation wheel to octave jump

His lead sound is made up of two tones, both an octave apart from each other, and he uses the mod wheel to fade the lower tone in and out. So it's really more just an effect, than "cheating".
Judging by what everyone is saying about them here, I've decided to download their discography, if I like it, I'll buy it.
Heartless_Name said:


Janne truly is just, a God of the Keys. This band truly amazes and enthralls me, despite many short-comings, like not having consistant, good vocals. I mean the vocals are good I spose (the guests like Kim Goss and Alexi especially), but I don't feel they suite the songs. I even prefer the instrumental songs to most of the ones with vocals. If they found a well matched vocalist, one who was in the band as a permanent fixture, I think they'd quickly ascend to one of the BEST bands on the scene.

Janne's playing just captivates me. If he sat down with Mozart and Beethoven, and others, I think he'd pwn them, seriously. Maybe not for songwriting and that shit, composing wise, but just for sheer skills. I honestly think he could out-play most of them, if not all.

I just got Beyond Abilities (I already had Unknown Soldier and Accept the Fact, 2 fucking spectacular CD's), but OMFG! The title track, first off, is FUCKING MIND BLOWING! LITERALLY... After that movie quote in the beginning... it's like Bodom's keyboard stuff injected with steroids and speed, then released to stampede through your ears... it's intense. Some tracks are slow, but I think they are meant to be that way to fit the female vocals of Kim. Also, the track "Hidden" soudns like an anthem most the girls would be playing over and over again. Anyways I'll stop ranting, all I will say is:

If you haven't heard anything by this band, do so immediately. As a CoB fan, you'll appreciate Janne's work, the whole band is pretty solid actually. And with guest vocalists from Synergy and CoB, you will be entertained. Alexi's cover of an 80's song (I had actually heard the original years before that has Michael Jackson in it) 'Somebody's watching me' is just a real treat. Quite funny and like I said, as a Bodom fan, you'll like it.​

(P.S. I searched the forum, found no thread with this subject/title but I only searched the first 8 pages, so, if there is already one I apologise.)

SO give me your thoughts and opinions on WARMEN!! (Your fav song, solo, etc...)​

i actually just heard them the other day, my boyfriend showed me thier myspace and sweet jesus they are indeed AMAZING.
Janne owns. i think that keyboards make most metal 10x more awesome.
Ben Johnson said:
Yup. And I totally dig the maximized keyboarditude (that's a word, says me). It's a shame most people don't like keyboards in metal music.

Keyboards are great in metal...but there is a point, IMO, where it can be overdone.
I listen to Warmen much more than I listen to COB. :)

I like Unknown Soldier the most but Beyond Abilities is still really good. I personally thought Accept the Fact was lacking compared to the first two albums, but the title track and Return of Salieri are still amazing. :)

Janne is one of the best keyboardists in metal, imo. I think he might even be better than Jens as far as metal goes (but not all around). I also like Sami Virtanen's guitar playing a lot. His leads are sick, especially on Unknown Soldier.
-[chop]- said:
Congrats Heartless...by making this thread that all ready exsist...you must be proud...
kk... rreeeeead----v
Heartless_Name said:

(P.S. I searched the forum, found no thread with this subject/title but I only searched the first 8 pages, so, if there is already one I apologise.)

Fetzer said:
Wow... What the fuck am I if you compare Janne to Mozart and Bethoveen...
LOL, I already retracted that statement, I spoke out of ignorance, I guess. I expressed an opinion I had, one which was empty, only fueled by the buzz I got from listening their music. All I meant is he's incredibly talented.

P.S. By that statement are you saying you play the keyboard as good as or nearly as good as (or better?) than Janne?
^You're missing out my friend!! If you want to add me to MSN I could hook you up with some key tracks. Once you hear 'Devil's Mistress', you'll be hooked. :D
Ben Johnson said:
His lead sound is made up of two tones, both an octave apart from each other, and he uses the mod wheel to fade the lower tone in and out. So it's really more just an effect, than "cheating".
I can get an octave jump on my X5 but that sounds logical, I asked Jens for his patch (subtly) but he never responded so meh.
ShadowsWithin said:
I can get an octave jump on my X5 but that sounds logical, I asked Jens for his patch (subtly) but he never responded so meh.

Same here. But I think I've gotten close enough on my 2080.