Warning- Watching From A Distance


Mar 8, 2004
United States
Is anyone else as excited as I am about this release? I doubt it. I haven't anticipated a release this badly since high school.

It is due out in a few weeks, so leave this thread open because once it's released i'm sure there will be lots of talk about it (good or bad).
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I've barely looked forward to a new Metal release this much since the new Celtic Frost. And the strange thing is that I've only heard (and enjoyed) like 2 tracks from their first album. I think it's the fact that the new song is fucking incredible.
Half of you people shouldn't be allowed to listen to Warning imo. I already pre-ordered the Right Hand of Doom box btw.
Honestly, that is just a plain fucking stupid thing to say, Necuratul, but not in the least bit surprising. I'm sure you're gonna say you're joking, but whatever :lol:
Honestly, that is just a plain fucking stupid thing to say, Necuratul, but not in the least bit surprising. I'm sure you're gonna say you're joking, but whatever :lol:

Um...I fucking was? God, if I really felt the way that I express myself on this forum, I would have insanely high blood pressure and would probably be dead from the seeming frustration that I have toward people. It's really getting annoying that you always have to pick this kind of stuff out though. I thought by now by the number of times that I've told you that I'm not serious when I say stupid shit like that.

I changed my order to the Die Hard version because the box was almost $40, so fuck that. The Die Hard is still like $25 though...