How Turtles Will Take Over The World
read the following to understand the urgency to close your toilet seat lids...
remember folks, this is a serious issue, your nevermore cd's are in danger... tell everyone... we must unite to save the world...
anti fayth (1:28:19 AM): i think youve got the whole government conspiracy thing wrong
BlackWinterDay13 (1:28:36 AM): they've got to you, too
anti fayth (1:28:52 AM): no man, its an alien conspiracy
anti fayth (1:28:56 AM): think about it
anti fayth (1:29:05 AM): with the whole anal probes and shit
BlackWinterDay13 (1:29:25 AM): well. . . DUH
anti fayth (1:30:04 AM): they control us like little puppets... and they plant ideas in trailer park trash's heads...
anti fayth (1:30:16 AM): and it gets the whole world against itself...
anti fayth (1:30:27 AM): theyre doing it to eradicate us
BlackWinterDay13 (1:30:27 AM): but those people have no brains
anti fayth (1:31:04 AM): they're gonna make us kill ourselves, then they are gonna steal our planet...
anti fayth (1:31:13 AM): but even worse...
anti fayth (1:31:20 AM): OUR CD'S !!!!!!!!!
anti fayth (1:31:28 AM): we have to stop them
BlackWinterDay13 (1:31:53 AM): NO!!!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:32:00 AM): NOT MY NEVERMORE CDS!
anti fayth (1:32:04 AM): theyve been doing it for centurys
BlackWinterDay13 (1:32:12 AM): centuries?!?
anti fayth (1:32:13 AM): it all started with the religion bullshit
anti fayth (1:32:33 AM): they planted that book called "the bible"...
BlackWinterDay13 (1:32:39 AM): oh?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:32:44 AM): to what purpose?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:32:46 AM): or gain?
anti fayth (1:33:20 AM): then they did shit, like plant ideas of heaven and god in peoples minds...
anti fayth (1:33:32 AM): till there is a world of christians
BlackWinterDay13 (1:33:32 AM): but why?
anti fayth (1:33:45 AM): then they went to other regions on the earth
anti fayth (1:33:50 AM): and planted other ideads
anti fayth (1:33:53 AM): ideas*
BlackWinterDay13 (1:34:06 AM): eved BOOTYISM?
anti fayth (1:34:17 AM): like paganism
BlackWinterDay13 (1:34:18 AM): *even
anti fayth (1:34:25 AM): yeah even bootyism
BlackWinterDay13 (1:34:37 AM): no. . .
BlackWinterDay13 (1:34:41 AM): i won't accept that
anti fayth (1:34:57 AM): and the christians with their "holy book" got pissed off
anti fayth (1:35:11 AM): they aliens told them that their religion was being threatened
anti fayth (1:35:15 AM): by the pagans
anti fayth (1:35:24 AM): and the bootyists
BlackWinterDay13 (1:35:26 AM): canaanites
anti fayth (1:36:01 AM): thus causeing even more discontent throughout the earth
BlackWinterDay13 (1:36:22 AM): why wouldn't they just kill us all with a giant "laser"?
anti fayth (1:36:33 AM): cause minime keeps humping it
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:05 AM): now what do these aliens look like?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:09 AM): ET?
anti fayth (1:37:17 AM): giant turtles
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:25 AM): marbin the matian?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:29 AM): turtles
anti fayth (1:37:30 AM): yeah
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:32 AM): TURTLES
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:37 AM): goddammit
anti fayth (1:37:41 AM): those white things that the rednecks see
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:45 AM): it HAD to be turtles
anti fayth (1:37:45 AM): those are spacesuits
anti fayth (1:37:56 AM): THATS IT!!!!!
anti fayth (1:38:05 AM): its not the aliens!!!!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:38:10 AM): i knew there was something fucked up about the teenage mutant mutant ninja turtles
BlackWinterDay13 (1:38:14 AM): it was a prophecy
anti fayth (1:38:19 AM): its those mother fucking turtles
BlackWinterDay13 (1:38:52 AM): why must i be involved in TWO conspiracies i one night?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:38:56 AM): *in
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:10 AM): and their shells. . .
anti fayth (1:39:15 AM): their slow-moving-street-blocking is all a ploy to further the deterioration of our sanity
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:18 AM): . . .look like UFOs
anti fayth (1:39:23 AM): HOLY HIT
anti fayth (1:39:25 AM): shit*
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:29 AM): holy hit?
anti fayth (1:39:30 AM): i cant hadle this
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:32 AM): oh, shit
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:37 AM): you cunt?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:41 AM): twat?
anti fayth (1:39:45 AM): no, i cunt do it
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:58 AM): no one EVER suspects the turtle!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:40:13 AM): so slow. . . so methodical. . . to cunning. . . so evil!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:40:17 AM): *so
anti fayth (1:40:24 AM): the damn turtles.... i knwo they are so slow and so peacefu looking
anti fayth (1:40:29 AM): THEY DECIEVE
BlackWinterDay13 (1:40:38 AM): fuckers
BlackWinterDay13 (1:40:55 AM): but how do they communicate?
anti fayth (1:41:02 AM): they are really superior in intellegence... they are going to destroy us and take our cd's
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:02 AM): if they are not from outer space
anti fayth (1:41:16 AM): they communicate tellepathically i suppose
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:28 AM): but the spacesuits
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:33 AM): make us THINK
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:36 AM): there are aliens
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:39 AM): so. . .
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:43 AM): let's review
anti fayth (1:41:50 AM): or perhaps with the little walkie taling things that the TMNJ used
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:52 AM): turtles created the bible
anti fayth (1:41:56 AM): YES
BlackWinterDay13 (1:42:01 AM): they created bootyism
anti fayth (1:42:07 AM): mmhm
BlackWinterDay13 (1:42:09 AM): they pose as aliens
BlackWinterDay13 (1:42:20 AM): they create chaos
BlackWinterDay13 (1:42:30 AM): so the world will be destroyed
anti fayth (1:42:35 AM): all to bring down earth to steal our music
BlackWinterDay13 (1:42:42 AM): so they can take my FUCKING NEVERMORE CDS!!!
anti fayth (1:42:46 AM): but why you ask?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:42:54 AM): MOTHER FUCKERS!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:43:06 AM): because warrell dane is god?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:43:14 AM): wait
anti fayth (1:43:15 AM): because their little feet cant hold picks and drumsticks
BlackWinterDay13 (1:43:19 AM): turtles invented god
BlackWinterDay13 (1:43:24 AM): oh
BlackWinterDay13 (1:43:28 AM): i c
anti fayth (1:43:43 AM): TURTLES INVENTED WARRELL DANE!?!?!?!?!!!!!!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:44:03 AM): they invented us all
BlackWinterDay13 (1:44:10 AM): everything we ever were
BlackWinterDay13 (1:44:16 AM): our history
BlackWinterDay13 (1:44:22 AM): alexander the great
BlackWinterDay13 (1:44:37 AM): julius caesar
BlackWinterDay13 (1:44:46 AM): ronald reagan
anti fayth (1:44:51 AM): bob dole
anti fayth (1:45:04 AM): ross perot
BlackWinterDay13 (1:45:04 AM): he kinda looks like a turtle
anti fayth (1:45:10 AM): holy shit
anti fayth (1:45:19 AM): maybe he is a turtle
anti fayth (1:45:24 AM): JFK
BlackWinterDay13 (1:45:26 AM): maybe they all are
anti fayth (1:45:27 AM): !!!!!!!!!
anti fayth (1:45:34 AM): jfk was killed by turtles
BlackWinterDay13 (1:45:41 AM): maybe IIIIIIIII am one of them!
anti fayth (1:45:44 AM): thats why we cant figure it out
BlackWinterDay13 (1:45:51 AM): no!!!!!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:45:56 AM): they've got to me
anti fayth (1:45:57 AM): cause no one suspects a turtle
anti fayth (1:46:07 AM): JFK knew about the fucking turtles
anti fayth (1:46:12 AM): and he was gonna tell everyone
anti fayth (1:46:18 AM): so they killed him
BlackWinterDay13 (1:46:23 AM): he told marilyn
anti fayth (1:46:25 AM): GOD DAMNIT
BlackWinterDay13 (1:46:27 AM): and SHE died
anti fayth (1:46:30 AM): shit
anti fayth (1:46:35 AM): WERE GONNA DIE!!!!!!!
anti fayth (1:46:39 AM): god
anti fayth (1:46:42 AM): lock your doors
anti fayth (1:46:49 AM): kill every turtle you see
BlackWinterDay13 (1:46:54 AM): but they can get in anyway!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:47:00 AM): through the doggie-door!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:47:10 AM): we can never leave our houses!
anti fayth (1:47:16 AM): thats right, their feet cant turn doorknobs
anti fayth (1:47:24 AM): and the knobs are too high anyway
anti fayth (1:47:27 AM): ...
anti fayth (1:47:30 AM): you know...
anti fayth (1:47:37 AM): i saw a turtle the other day
anti fayth (1:47:44 AM): on the road to my house
BlackWinterDay13 (1:47:50 AM): if you see one on the road, run over it!
anti fayth (1:47:52 AM): then later on i saw one in my driveway
BlackWinterDay13 (1:47:53 AM): but then
anti fayth (1:47:59 AM): then one in my yard
anti fayth (1:48:05 AM): THEYRE FOLLOWING ME
BlackWinterDay13 (1:48:06 AM): it will become a martyr to it's race if we kill it!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:48:14 AM): we are doomed either way!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:48:17 AM): DOOMED!
anti fayth (1:48:28 AM): HTEYVE GOT ME SURROUNDED
BlackWinterDay13 (1:49:18 AM): play some deicide to scare them off
anti fayth (1:50:11 AM): NP: Deicide - Trick or Betrayed
anti fayth (1:50:25 AM): theyve tricked us those damn turtles
BlackWinterDay13 (1:50:36 AM): how?
anti fayth (1:50:44 AM): they act so innocent
anti fayth (1:51:32 AM): we must warn the world
anti fayth (1:51:41 AM): especially people with CD's
anti fayth (1:51:51 AM): they arent safe
BlackWinterDay13 (1:52:16 AM): but there is plenty of time
BlackWinterDay13 (1:52:21 AM): i mean. .
anti fayth (1:52:24 AM): oh yeah
BlackWinterDay13 (1:52:26 AM): they are so fucking SLOW
anti fayth (1:52:28 AM): they move so slow
BlackWinterDay13 (1:53:19 AM): my little sister watches franklin the turtle on nick jr.
anti fayth (1:54:03 AM): they are getting to the youth
anti fayth (1:54:38 AM): nick jr. is a tool for brainwashing children into assisting the turtles
anti fayth (1:55:06 AM): they'll all grow up to be animal activists and we wont be able to stop the turtles witout being sued
BlackWinterDay13 (1:55:52 AM): my little sister wants to grow up to be a caterpillar
anti fayth (1:56:19 AM): your little sister is cute
anti fayth (1:57:00 AM): are you at your moms?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:57:07 AM): no
BlackWinterDay13 (1:57:16 AM): i am tired
BlackWinterDay13 (1:57:21 AM): fucking tired
BlackWinterDay13 (1:57:24 AM): and scared
BlackWinterDay13 (1:57:36 AM): OMG!!!!!!!!!!
anti fayth (1:57:47 AM): we still have to warn the people, the people with nevermore cd's
BlackWinterDay13 (1:57:51 AM): i just figured out how they can get us!
anti fayth (1:58:00 AM): AIR DUCTS
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:08 AM): no, they can get us still!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:10 AM): nooo
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:13 AM): listen:
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:24 AM): think of the name:
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:27 AM): turtle
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:33 AM): TURDle
anti fayth (1:58:34 AM): yeah?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:36 AM): they will come through
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:44 AM): THE TOILETS!
anti fayth (1:58:48 AM): TOILETS
anti fayth (1:58:52 AM): oh god
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:53 AM): put the lids down!!!!!!!
anti fayth (1:59:03 AM): GET THE PLUNGERS!!!!!!!!!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:59:19 AM): remember!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:59:30 AM): the TMNT
BlackWinterDay13 (1:59:30 AM): lived
BlackWinterDay13 (1:59:30 AM): in
BlackWinterDay13 (1:59:32 AM): sewers
anti fayth (1:59:54 AM): SHIT
anti fayth (2:00:00 AM): its all coming together
anti fayth (2:00:13 AM): we better stop talking or they will get us liek they got JFK
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:16 AM): literally
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:16 AM): SHIT
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:35 AM): maybe they will never know
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:38 AM): after all. . .
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:49 AM): do they have internet access?
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:52 AM): DO THEY?!?
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:57 AM): they don't, right?
anti fayth (2:00:59 AM): im sure they do
anti fayth (2:01:09 AM): i mean, they created the internet
BlackWinterDay13 (2:01:13 AM): .......................
anti fayth (2:01:14 AM): they created everything
BlackWinterDay13 (2:01:25 AM): wait. . .
anti fayth (2:01:28 AM): they're kinda like god....
BlackWinterDay13 (2:01:33 AM): i thpught al gore invented the internet
anti fayth (2:01:34 AM): DEICIDE
anti fayth (2:01:48 AM): they are our only hope
BlackWinterDay13 (2:01:55 AM): killing a god
anti fayth (2:01:59 AM): the turtles invented al gore
BlackWinterDay13 (2:02:00 AM): indeed
BlackWinterDay13 (2:02:09 AM): ohhhhhhhhh yeah
anti fayth (2:02:20 AM): i mean who else could create someone so... Gay
BlackWinterDay13 (2:02:42 AM): hmm. . .
BlackWinterDay13 (2:02:53 AM): true
BlackWinterDay13 (2:03:05 AM): i must go
BlackWinterDay13 (2:03:12 AM): protect the world!
BlackWinterDay13 (2:03:19 AM): close the lids!
BlackWinterDay13 (2:03:22 AM): listen to deicide!
anti fayth (2:03:24 AM): already closed
anti fayth (2:03:27 AM): already playing
anti fayth (2:03:42 AM): NP: Deicide - confessional rape
BlackWinterDay13 (2:03:44 AM): then all we can do is hope
anti fayth (2:03:49 AM): and warn te world
BlackWinterDay13 (2:04:06 AM): fare thee well
read the following to understand the urgency to close your toilet seat lids...
remember folks, this is a serious issue, your nevermore cd's are in danger... tell everyone... we must unite to save the world...
anti fayth (1:28:19 AM): i think youve got the whole government conspiracy thing wrong
BlackWinterDay13 (1:28:36 AM): they've got to you, too
anti fayth (1:28:52 AM): no man, its an alien conspiracy
anti fayth (1:28:56 AM): think about it
anti fayth (1:29:05 AM): with the whole anal probes and shit
BlackWinterDay13 (1:29:25 AM): well. . . DUH
anti fayth (1:30:04 AM): they control us like little puppets... and they plant ideas in trailer park trash's heads...
anti fayth (1:30:16 AM): and it gets the whole world against itself...
anti fayth (1:30:27 AM): theyre doing it to eradicate us
BlackWinterDay13 (1:30:27 AM): but those people have no brains
anti fayth (1:31:04 AM): they're gonna make us kill ourselves, then they are gonna steal our planet...
anti fayth (1:31:13 AM): but even worse...
anti fayth (1:31:20 AM): OUR CD'S !!!!!!!!!
anti fayth (1:31:28 AM): we have to stop them
BlackWinterDay13 (1:31:53 AM): NO!!!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:32:00 AM): NOT MY NEVERMORE CDS!
anti fayth (1:32:04 AM): theyve been doing it for centurys
BlackWinterDay13 (1:32:12 AM): centuries?!?
anti fayth (1:32:13 AM): it all started with the religion bullshit
anti fayth (1:32:33 AM): they planted that book called "the bible"...
BlackWinterDay13 (1:32:39 AM): oh?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:32:44 AM): to what purpose?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:32:46 AM): or gain?
anti fayth (1:33:20 AM): then they did shit, like plant ideas of heaven and god in peoples minds...
anti fayth (1:33:32 AM): till there is a world of christians
BlackWinterDay13 (1:33:32 AM): but why?
anti fayth (1:33:45 AM): then they went to other regions on the earth
anti fayth (1:33:50 AM): and planted other ideads
anti fayth (1:33:53 AM): ideas*
BlackWinterDay13 (1:34:06 AM): eved BOOTYISM?
anti fayth (1:34:17 AM): like paganism
BlackWinterDay13 (1:34:18 AM): *even
anti fayth (1:34:25 AM): yeah even bootyism
BlackWinterDay13 (1:34:37 AM): no. . .
BlackWinterDay13 (1:34:41 AM): i won't accept that
anti fayth (1:34:57 AM): and the christians with their "holy book" got pissed off
anti fayth (1:35:11 AM): they aliens told them that their religion was being threatened
anti fayth (1:35:15 AM): by the pagans
anti fayth (1:35:24 AM): and the bootyists
BlackWinterDay13 (1:35:26 AM): canaanites
anti fayth (1:36:01 AM): thus causeing even more discontent throughout the earth
BlackWinterDay13 (1:36:22 AM): why wouldn't they just kill us all with a giant "laser"?
anti fayth (1:36:33 AM): cause minime keeps humping it
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:05 AM): now what do these aliens look like?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:09 AM): ET?
anti fayth (1:37:17 AM): giant turtles
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:25 AM): marbin the matian?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:29 AM): turtles
anti fayth (1:37:30 AM): yeah
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:32 AM): TURTLES
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:37 AM): goddammit
anti fayth (1:37:41 AM): those white things that the rednecks see
BlackWinterDay13 (1:37:45 AM): it HAD to be turtles
anti fayth (1:37:45 AM): those are spacesuits
anti fayth (1:37:56 AM): THATS IT!!!!!
anti fayth (1:38:05 AM): its not the aliens!!!!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:38:10 AM): i knew there was something fucked up about the teenage mutant mutant ninja turtles
BlackWinterDay13 (1:38:14 AM): it was a prophecy
anti fayth (1:38:19 AM): its those mother fucking turtles
BlackWinterDay13 (1:38:52 AM): why must i be involved in TWO conspiracies i one night?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:38:56 AM): *in
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:10 AM): and their shells. . .
anti fayth (1:39:15 AM): their slow-moving-street-blocking is all a ploy to further the deterioration of our sanity
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:18 AM): . . .look like UFOs
anti fayth (1:39:23 AM): HOLY HIT
anti fayth (1:39:25 AM): shit*
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:29 AM): holy hit?
anti fayth (1:39:30 AM): i cant hadle this
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:32 AM): oh, shit
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:37 AM): you cunt?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:41 AM): twat?
anti fayth (1:39:45 AM): no, i cunt do it
BlackWinterDay13 (1:39:58 AM): no one EVER suspects the turtle!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:40:13 AM): so slow. . . so methodical. . . to cunning. . . so evil!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:40:17 AM): *so
anti fayth (1:40:24 AM): the damn turtles.... i knwo they are so slow and so peacefu looking
anti fayth (1:40:29 AM): THEY DECIEVE
BlackWinterDay13 (1:40:38 AM): fuckers
BlackWinterDay13 (1:40:55 AM): but how do they communicate?
anti fayth (1:41:02 AM): they are really superior in intellegence... they are going to destroy us and take our cd's
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:02 AM): if they are not from outer space
anti fayth (1:41:16 AM): they communicate tellepathically i suppose
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:28 AM): but the spacesuits
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:33 AM): make us THINK
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:36 AM): there are aliens
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:39 AM): so. . .
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:43 AM): let's review
anti fayth (1:41:50 AM): or perhaps with the little walkie taling things that the TMNJ used
BlackWinterDay13 (1:41:52 AM): turtles created the bible
anti fayth (1:41:56 AM): YES
BlackWinterDay13 (1:42:01 AM): they created bootyism
anti fayth (1:42:07 AM): mmhm
BlackWinterDay13 (1:42:09 AM): they pose as aliens
BlackWinterDay13 (1:42:20 AM): they create chaos
BlackWinterDay13 (1:42:30 AM): so the world will be destroyed
anti fayth (1:42:35 AM): all to bring down earth to steal our music
BlackWinterDay13 (1:42:42 AM): so they can take my FUCKING NEVERMORE CDS!!!
anti fayth (1:42:46 AM): but why you ask?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:42:54 AM): MOTHER FUCKERS!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:43:06 AM): because warrell dane is god?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:43:14 AM): wait
anti fayth (1:43:15 AM): because their little feet cant hold picks and drumsticks
BlackWinterDay13 (1:43:19 AM): turtles invented god
BlackWinterDay13 (1:43:24 AM): oh
BlackWinterDay13 (1:43:28 AM): i c
anti fayth (1:43:43 AM): TURTLES INVENTED WARRELL DANE!?!?!?!?!!!!!!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:44:03 AM): they invented us all
BlackWinterDay13 (1:44:10 AM): everything we ever were
BlackWinterDay13 (1:44:16 AM): our history
BlackWinterDay13 (1:44:22 AM): alexander the great
BlackWinterDay13 (1:44:37 AM): julius caesar
BlackWinterDay13 (1:44:46 AM): ronald reagan
anti fayth (1:44:51 AM): bob dole
anti fayth (1:45:04 AM): ross perot
BlackWinterDay13 (1:45:04 AM): he kinda looks like a turtle
anti fayth (1:45:10 AM): holy shit
anti fayth (1:45:19 AM): maybe he is a turtle
anti fayth (1:45:24 AM): JFK
BlackWinterDay13 (1:45:26 AM): maybe they all are
anti fayth (1:45:27 AM): !!!!!!!!!
anti fayth (1:45:34 AM): jfk was killed by turtles
BlackWinterDay13 (1:45:41 AM): maybe IIIIIIIII am one of them!
anti fayth (1:45:44 AM): thats why we cant figure it out
BlackWinterDay13 (1:45:51 AM): no!!!!!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:45:56 AM): they've got to me
anti fayth (1:45:57 AM): cause no one suspects a turtle
anti fayth (1:46:07 AM): JFK knew about the fucking turtles
anti fayth (1:46:12 AM): and he was gonna tell everyone
anti fayth (1:46:18 AM): so they killed him
BlackWinterDay13 (1:46:23 AM): he told marilyn
anti fayth (1:46:25 AM): GOD DAMNIT
BlackWinterDay13 (1:46:27 AM): and SHE died
anti fayth (1:46:30 AM): shit
anti fayth (1:46:35 AM): WERE GONNA DIE!!!!!!!
anti fayth (1:46:39 AM): god
anti fayth (1:46:42 AM): lock your doors
anti fayth (1:46:49 AM): kill every turtle you see
BlackWinterDay13 (1:46:54 AM): but they can get in anyway!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:47:00 AM): through the doggie-door!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:47:10 AM): we can never leave our houses!
anti fayth (1:47:16 AM): thats right, their feet cant turn doorknobs
anti fayth (1:47:24 AM): and the knobs are too high anyway
anti fayth (1:47:27 AM): ...
anti fayth (1:47:30 AM): you know...
anti fayth (1:47:37 AM): i saw a turtle the other day
anti fayth (1:47:44 AM): on the road to my house
BlackWinterDay13 (1:47:50 AM): if you see one on the road, run over it!
anti fayth (1:47:52 AM): then later on i saw one in my driveway
BlackWinterDay13 (1:47:53 AM): but then
anti fayth (1:47:59 AM): then one in my yard
anti fayth (1:48:05 AM): THEYRE FOLLOWING ME
BlackWinterDay13 (1:48:06 AM): it will become a martyr to it's race if we kill it!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:48:14 AM): we are doomed either way!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:48:17 AM): DOOMED!
anti fayth (1:48:28 AM): HTEYVE GOT ME SURROUNDED
BlackWinterDay13 (1:49:18 AM): play some deicide to scare them off
anti fayth (1:50:11 AM): NP: Deicide - Trick or Betrayed
anti fayth (1:50:25 AM): theyve tricked us those damn turtles
BlackWinterDay13 (1:50:36 AM): how?
anti fayth (1:50:44 AM): they act so innocent
anti fayth (1:51:32 AM): we must warn the world
anti fayth (1:51:41 AM): especially people with CD's
anti fayth (1:51:51 AM): they arent safe
BlackWinterDay13 (1:52:16 AM): but there is plenty of time
BlackWinterDay13 (1:52:21 AM): i mean. .
anti fayth (1:52:24 AM): oh yeah
BlackWinterDay13 (1:52:26 AM): they are so fucking SLOW
anti fayth (1:52:28 AM): they move so slow
BlackWinterDay13 (1:53:19 AM): my little sister watches franklin the turtle on nick jr.
anti fayth (1:54:03 AM): they are getting to the youth
anti fayth (1:54:38 AM): nick jr. is a tool for brainwashing children into assisting the turtles
anti fayth (1:55:06 AM): they'll all grow up to be animal activists and we wont be able to stop the turtles witout being sued
BlackWinterDay13 (1:55:52 AM): my little sister wants to grow up to be a caterpillar
anti fayth (1:56:19 AM): your little sister is cute
anti fayth (1:57:00 AM): are you at your moms?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:57:07 AM): no
BlackWinterDay13 (1:57:16 AM): i am tired
BlackWinterDay13 (1:57:21 AM): fucking tired
BlackWinterDay13 (1:57:24 AM): and scared
BlackWinterDay13 (1:57:36 AM): OMG!!!!!!!!!!
anti fayth (1:57:47 AM): we still have to warn the people, the people with nevermore cd's
BlackWinterDay13 (1:57:51 AM): i just figured out how they can get us!
anti fayth (1:58:00 AM): AIR DUCTS
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:08 AM): no, they can get us still!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:10 AM): nooo
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:13 AM): listen:
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:24 AM): think of the name:
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:27 AM): turtle
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:33 AM): TURDle
anti fayth (1:58:34 AM): yeah?
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:36 AM): they will come through
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:44 AM): THE TOILETS!
anti fayth (1:58:48 AM): TOILETS
anti fayth (1:58:52 AM): oh god
BlackWinterDay13 (1:58:53 AM): put the lids down!!!!!!!
anti fayth (1:59:03 AM): GET THE PLUNGERS!!!!!!!!!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:59:19 AM): remember!
BlackWinterDay13 (1:59:30 AM): the TMNT
BlackWinterDay13 (1:59:30 AM): lived
BlackWinterDay13 (1:59:30 AM): in
BlackWinterDay13 (1:59:32 AM): sewers
anti fayth (1:59:54 AM): SHIT
anti fayth (2:00:00 AM): its all coming together
anti fayth (2:00:13 AM): we better stop talking or they will get us liek they got JFK
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:16 AM): literally
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:16 AM): SHIT
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:35 AM): maybe they will never know
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:38 AM): after all. . .
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:49 AM): do they have internet access?
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:52 AM): DO THEY?!?
BlackWinterDay13 (2:00:57 AM): they don't, right?
anti fayth (2:00:59 AM): im sure they do
anti fayth (2:01:09 AM): i mean, they created the internet
BlackWinterDay13 (2:01:13 AM): .......................
anti fayth (2:01:14 AM): they created everything
BlackWinterDay13 (2:01:25 AM): wait. . .
anti fayth (2:01:28 AM): they're kinda like god....
BlackWinterDay13 (2:01:33 AM): i thpught al gore invented the internet
anti fayth (2:01:34 AM): DEICIDE
anti fayth (2:01:48 AM): they are our only hope
BlackWinterDay13 (2:01:55 AM): killing a god
anti fayth (2:01:59 AM): the turtles invented al gore
BlackWinterDay13 (2:02:00 AM): indeed
BlackWinterDay13 (2:02:09 AM): ohhhhhhhhh yeah
anti fayth (2:02:20 AM): i mean who else could create someone so... Gay
BlackWinterDay13 (2:02:42 AM): hmm. . .
BlackWinterDay13 (2:02:53 AM): true
BlackWinterDay13 (2:03:05 AM): i must go
BlackWinterDay13 (2:03:12 AM): protect the world!
BlackWinterDay13 (2:03:19 AM): close the lids!
BlackWinterDay13 (2:03:22 AM): listen to deicide!
anti fayth (2:03:24 AM): already closed
anti fayth (2:03:27 AM): already playing
anti fayth (2:03:42 AM): NP: Deicide - confessional rape
BlackWinterDay13 (2:03:44 AM): then all we can do is hope
anti fayth (2:03:49 AM): and warn te world
BlackWinterDay13 (2:04:06 AM): fare thee well