Warrel's vocal range?

Warrel's amazing, but his really high stuff is falsetto and that doesn't count. A good example would be to listen to cenotaph off of DNB.
she's a slut.

you're from canada, dude. there are so many awesome singers from there it's not even funny.
king diamond?

again, falsetto. When examening someone's range you don't include notes outside of their range.
It's not like every vocalist can actually hit and carry falsetto notes though.

Well, John Arch, Alan Tecchio and guys like that aren't really falsetto
king diamond?

again, falsetto. When examening someone's range you don't include notes outside of their range.
How, exactly, do you think women hit their highest notes? A properly trained vocalist should be able to switch to their upper range without any significant tone quality changes, but that's about it. Did he hit the note? Congratulations, it's in his range. If you're only counting chest voice, I think the only one you can count is Dickenson, and he trashed himself doing it -- bad singer! no cookie!
How, exactly, do you think women hit their highest notes? A properly trained vocalist should be able to switch to their upper range without any significant tone quality changes, but that's about it. Did he hit the note? Congratulations, it's in his range. If you're only counting chest voice, I think the only one you can count is Dickenson, and he trashed himself doing it -- bad singer! no cookie!

are you nuts? bruce a bad singer?
are you nuts? bruce a bad singer?
*sigh* No, this is what happens when I spend too much time talking to the hell hounds. He's not a bad vocalist, though he just THRASHED his throat doing what he does, but he is a very bad boy for having done that to a voice like his. For this reason, he has not earned a cookie, and must get down off the couch. (i.e. "bad singer! no cookie! bad!")
are you nuts? bruce a bad singer?

Not bad, but not as good as most people seem to think, though. You >> Bruce and also Paul Di'Anno (when in Maiden) > Bruce. I can't stand the way he "wails" his way to almost hit the right note, way too much. Gives me the willies (rather than the "wallies"...). Same goes for Alan Tecchio, by the way - almost makes me wish WatchTower's masterpiece Control and Resistance was an instrumental album...

Great high-range voices, aside from Warrel: early Geoff Tate (first 4 or so QR albums), Christian Augustin (Sortilège - shame on those who don't know them, even if they disbanded 20 years ago), the already mentioned John Arch, Bert Heerink (old fart from Vandenberg), that silly Midnight guy from Crimson Glory, Steve Plocica in old Apocrypha, good old Rob Halford when he felt like it. I'm sure there are many more, though.
Even though a lot of people dislike his voice, James LaBrie has a great range. I personally think his voice is awesome but Dream Theater has been a fav of mine since 1992, when I was 9 years old.

He was in his prime at Images and Words and Awake, before he ruptured his vocal cords but even now, he's back up there again.