Was wondering Vehemence's take on a few bands...


Apr 29, 2004
B'ham Alabama
I want to know the bands take on a few of my other favorite bands.

Morbid Angel (love them all ...but "Alters of Madness" is to me a masterpiece)

Grave (I like the old stuff like "You'll Never See" and "Soulless")

Dissection (I fucking love this band)
Grave is awesome live... Morbid Angel are legends. Never heard or cared of Dissection cause I think that Jon guy is a twat.
Merloch said:
Grave is awesome live... Morbid Angel are legends. Never heard or cared of Dissection cause I think that Jon guy is a twat.


you say you never heard Dissection...yet you also say you dont care for them?

fucking "green eggs and ham". you think Jon is a twat?

Ohh shit, my bad man..you're pissed because he killed a gay guy. I dont discriminate against "peter puffers". Do what you like man..and leave me outa it.

Ive never heard a dissection song. I didnt say I didnt like the music, I just dont like teh interviews ive read of that guy, or what I read that he did... No big deal.
Merloch said:
Ive never heard a dissection song. I didnt say I didnt like the music, I just dont like teh interviews ive read of that guy, or what I read that he did... No big deal.

Then dont be so fucking biased you dipshit. I dont mean to hate you... but until you hear them... keep your opinions to your fucking self. You cant judge a band on "word of mouth". or maybe 'you' think you can. :err:
Merloch said:
Ive never heard a dissection song. I didnt say I didnt like the music, I just dont like teh interviews ive read of that guy, or what I read that he did... No big deal.
Yeah Jon is a fucktard. Believes way too much of his own hype. "dark master" this and "dark master" that. He's a moron. Plus he is a murdering bastard so fuck him.
Wait, who did he murder??? Is he in jail now??? What the fuck is all this about??? I heard a Dissection song once, and kind of liked it...
black metal seems to be the genre where they are the least talk and the most action.... i mean... can't think of many murders commited in any other metal genres... but when it comes to black metal you have artists like burzum and dissection
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Wait, who did he murder??? Is he in jail now??? What the fuck is all this about??? I heard a Dissection song once, and kind of liked it...

I think he is in jail at the moment but will be getting out soon and reforming Dissection. Check out this page for an idea of what Jon was involved in, its not THAT detailed but it gives u an idea. http://jeffro.net/files/archive/dissection/ Start from the bottom of the page and read up. :loco:
Morbid01 said:
Then dont be so fucking biased you dipshit. I dont mean to hate you... but until you hear them... keep your opinions to your fucking self. You cant judge a band on "word of mouth". or maybe 'you' think you can. :err:

What the fuck? When did i judge the band? All I said was that I dont care to hear them because of what ive heard about Jon. Go reread.
Merloch said:
What the fuck? When did i judge the band? All I said was that I dont care to hear them because of what ive heard about Jon. Go reread.

Hmm I guess you're right...you said "I dont care to hear them"

Well, my bad,

But thats kinda like saying "I wont eat brocolli because it's green".

Their music is fucking genious.

But then again, I wouldn't listen to Burzum for the longest time because I thought Varg was a dumbass for killing Euronymous.

And well, he was, and his music was crap..so I guess I'm the pot calling the kettle black.

However I did give him many listens and the benefit of the doubt.

Just give them a try, you dont have to like Jon.... but his music is great.

May I suggest just one song to start with... "Where Dead Angels Lie"
Yeah IVe always heard everyone say how great they are, and actually have never heard a bad thing about them. I dont know why, but Im just not interested. I will still try to check out a song though.