Washburn CS 789. Is it worth the upgrade?


Aug 8, 2008
I've had my Washburn CS 780 for a long time now and now that I have some money I'm looking forward to upgrade my gear. I was thinking about replacing the low end parts of the guitar with better stuff (original floyd, seymour duncans, good internal electronics) but a friend of mine that works on a guitar shop advised me to get a new guitar instead, or else I'll be wasting my money.

I really like my guitar, its hard to find models like that anymore but I don't want to be wasting my money. If I invest of the upgrade I wanna make sure that the guitar will sound great.

What do you think? if any of you knows these guitars please comment what do you think about them and the upgrade

For those who don´t know the guitar, here it is

maple body and neck with rosewood fingerboard

Thanks :)
If you really like it, I guess the only thing I'd make sure of is that an OFR would retrofit without (too much) modification, especially moving the posts. Otherwise, I'd say DEW IT!! But maple body and neck, that thing has gotta be brighter than the freakin' sun! (not what I'd call conducive to fat rhythm tone)
Well, i think it deserves the upgrade only if you have the "Chicago Series" version.
Emmpu from nightwish, upgraded his CS-780 with original floyd rose and Seymour Duncans, and he played that guitar for so many years.
Yes, I have the Chicago Series model. Its not that bright, it lacks some mids though but that may change with good pickups... i think
Well, i think it deserves the upgrade only if you have the "Chicago Series" version.
Emmpu from nightwish, upgraded his CS-780 with original floyd rose and Seymour Duncans, and he played that guitar for so many years.

+1, the chinese one sucks really bad