Cubase 5 studio. Is it worth spending almost $200 more for 5?


Mar 31, 2009
Im kinda in a fix. I got a pretty basic setup with a presonus firestudio.

I want to upgrade to Cubase 5 or cubase 5 studio because I dont want to have to start from scratch on all the music I've already recorded.

The studio version is about $150 more and has a few less features. The thing thats making me want to pay more for the non studio version is that it contains all sorts of built in pitch correctors and vocal editing tools built into the interface.

I have read all the information and watched all the videos on Steinbergs web page so I don't need a link.

I can't find any information on the internet about whether its worth the extra money or not.

Can I buy the vocal editing software elsewhere and still save money?
If the full version is worth it is a matter of what YOU need to do.

I'd say get the full version though. The savings of two Texas pennies wont be worth
it I think.