Cubase 5, is it worth it?


May 9, 2009
Any Cubase 5 users here?

How is it treating you? Im getting real tired with SX3 screwing me over on large projects :mad:
Seems like when I reach a certain number of plugs and tracks the whole thing just goes berserk.

So my question is this: How is Cubase 5 as far as stability goes?
I dont care too much about fancy new features (although Im sure they are nice).
I think it's great. I don't know if it's any more or less stable than SX3 but some of the features are so great that I don't know how I ever lived without them. Batch export, ability to move plugins between channels and slots, built in melodyne-style tuning... it's really amazing.

The ability to route freely between group channels, fx sends etc. is also a big selling point for me.

Damn.. Seems like I aint got much choice now :D

EDIT: How is the backwards compatibility with SX3 projects?
I have had 1 crash as well since I have had it (about a month).

Seriously it's worth the upgrade for batch export alone (instead of exporting 1 track at a time in the export option you can select as many as you want and it will export them each individually in 1 shot).


i've been dreaming of that forever now

same goes for moving plugs freely...i don't even know how many times i've wished i could drag a plugin from one slot to another, whether on the same channel or a different one!
same goes for moving plugs freely...i don't even know how many times i've wished i could drag a plugin from one slot to another, whether on the same channel or a different one!

Jesus christ, you can't do that? Which version of Cubase are you running? That seriously is a deal-breaker for me, good god...
In Cubase 4+ you can freely move plug-ins on their respective channel, say you want the compressor to come before the EQ - just drag it up, but in 5 you can move them about different channels as well. Honestly moving plugs about different channels is nothing I would really use... however, Batch Export alone make 5 worth it to me. I'm saving the $ to get it currently. The included plug-ins are great too, Steinberg really stepped up with 5, just sucks it took them this long to incorporate all of this...
In Cubase 4+ you can freely move plug-ins on their respective channel, say you want the compressor to come before the EQ - just drag it up, but in 5 you can move them about different channels as well.
I'm on 4 and can do what you are describing for 5 here.
I'm on 4 and can do what you are describing for 5 here.

You can drag a compressor plug-in from the snare channel and drop it on a tom channel? That's strange because Steinberg announces this feature as new for version 5+ only.