

Master Exploder
I got a mixed cd in the mail today from Troops (thanks again dude! :headbang: ) with a WASP song on it, The Hellion, which fucking rules, and I was just wondering what else I could d/l to get a good idea of them. I will pick up an album or 2 next time I'm in Melb, but until then, whats a few tracks I can sample?

Cheers. :D
If you like Hellion then I don't think you even need to sample anything else from the debut :) Basically you have an album full of high energy nasty attitude rockers in the same vein as that (with the exception of Sleeping In The Fire, excellent slower song!) and all of them most excellent... you can't go wrong buying it! Most of the songs on it are WASP "classics" which often show up in their live set even now, such as Hellion, Sleeping In The Fire, Animal, I Wanna Be Somebody, LOVE Machine, On Your Knees, etc...

I'd sample:
- Wild Child and The Last Command off "The Last Command album"
- 9.5-N.A.S.T.Y. and Restless Gypsy off "Inside The Electric Circus"
- The Headless Children and Heretic (The Lost Child) off "The Headless Children"... awesome album!
- Chainsaw Charlie and The Idol off "The Crimson Idol"

And I'm not too familiar with the stuff after that but "Don't Cry (Just Suck)" is an awesome song off Hellorado in the style of the first album... and Let It Roar is a great song off Unholy Terror.
"The Crimson Idol" is a masterpiece but self titled is much better :headbang:

Obviously not musically as the debut is very simple LA sleaze metal and The Crimson Idol is a sophisticated concept album, but the songs are so much better on the debut, and there isn't acoustic parts every couple of minutes either hehe. Just chock full of classic tracks to bang your head and scream your lungs out along to!

I'm on the prowl and the hunt drives me crazy... I F&^% LIKE A BEAST!

1st - Headless Children & Last Command
2nd - Crimson Idol & WASP
3rd - Double Live Assassins & Unholy Terror or Dying For The World

Ignore the rest.
Egh W.A.S.P. is far better than The Last Command.

Heavier. More energy. More attitude. More standout tracks. Doesn't have "Fistful of Diamonds" which is a big plus.
The Headless Children is a better album than The Crimson Idol imo :)

The one thing though that The Crimson Idol has over other W.A.S.P. stuff is the great lead guitar work from Bob Kulick. He is far better than Chris Holmes especially hahaha, Chris is one of thoes crap but cool guitarists. Just like Ozzy is a crap but cool singer :)