

May 25, 2005
New Jersey, USA
I'm very curious what everyone here in the land of Swanö fans thinks of Vintersorg's latest band, Waterclime, and the debut album, The Astral Factor. I happen to think it's a wonderful addition to the world of progressive rock! Experimental, catchy, ambient, melodic, varied, colorful, organic, everything I could hope for :tickled: ! What does everyone else think of the debut album!
I heard a low-quality sample of 'Mountains' and was very intrigued, definitely gonna get that one as soon/if my record store's gonna stock it.

I wonder if it's Mr V doing the Yes-style vocals too or if he had some guest for those?
It's an excellent album! Mr. V did all the vocals pretty much, he had guest male vocals from Magnus Lindgren (Black Bonzo) on track 1 "Mountains" and guest female vocals from Cia Hedmark on track 7 "Scarytale", aside from that all the vocals are him! Matthias Marklund (Vintersorg) also did guest guitar work on track 3 "The Astral Factor" and track 5 "Painting Without Colours" and Benny Hagglund did guest guitar work on track 8 "Timewind."
Vintersorg is a great band. The last album "The Focusing Blur" is one of my favorite albums of all time. It's fucking brilliant. A huge grand mix of progressive/avantgarde/folk/jazz metal. Epic, dynamic, intelligent and beautiful. I can not recomend it enough!
Ill listen to it soon! I have the cd, but havent had time to really sit down and listen to it. I will check it out this weekend for sure :)
I'm a big Vintersorg fan, but still haven't got The Focusing Blur! Anyway, I'm very anxious to hear the full album, only thing I've heard off it was the sample on the 'sorg forum.