Watershed Lyrics From Mikael

Also, the lyrics to "Heir Apparent" seem to talk about an abusive or manipulative father who is seldom around, and when he is there he talks his way back into the family only to fuck things up again. The last few lines seems to be the son hoping that the father will never return, as he is the "heir apparent" now.

This fits in with lyrics in "The Lotus Eater", which seems to talk about how the narrator (probably the mother) spent years "caring for a liar", and in the end seems to say the son overheard her and the father talking "in the smoke of lost hope" with "the language of parting so clear and so true", indicating a a breakup.

Anybody agree with me there?

The father does not love the son at all and that might be the conflict of it all. That leads to some kind of catastroph. The Lotus Eater then is the father, liquid might be alcohol. The Birth of a follower is mentioned and might refer to the son is not beloved at all. I don't know who the friend...
All this is just an idea...

BTW: Lotus-eater means something like daydreamer or a man, woh does nothing at all and just enjoys living.

Your ideas are very interesting and IMO fit to the lyrics and whole album-story.I have come to some further ones starting with yours.I've been wondering many times(you too i imagine) what means that strange face on the letter stamp and the framed photo.I think now it's the narrator's father;the mad-looking face and alcoholic you said about made connection in my mind.Know it's strange-the son still has old framed photo of father whom he hated-but he may have found it in the house he came back to as well.
And now,look at the last picture-it suggests that the code on the right(we know these are the "Watershed" lyrics") is what is written on the paper which the narrator(i'm sure it's him) holds.So,could it be a letter? Could it be the letter to his father,telling all about how he destroyed childhood an affected life of his son?(Or maybe,narrator forgives him?) I mean,all the album is son's memories which he writes down in the letter(that would somehow explain the letter-package).What do you think?

BTW:I don't believe mike has so fucked up childhood,though i think the story may contain some fragments of his(or a person he knows) life.Mike,don't laugh,please:)
Yeah, how are you guys actually deciphering the code in the booklet?

Provided the code is in English we can do the following:

1. Count how many times each symbol appears. In English, the letter 'E' is the most prominent by far, so the symbol that appears most is most likely the letter 'E'. In this text, the symbol is by far the most common one, so you can't go wrong.

2. The most common word in English is "THE". Since we've already found 'E', we need to find the most common two symbol combination that comes just before the symbol 'E'. Also here, there is one combination that's way more common than the others, so you can't go wrong. Here, I hit a bump the first time and didn't get a combination that was significantly more common than others, until I turned the booklet upside down. Then I found a combination that was way more common than the others. Now you've found the letters "T" and "H".

3. Now you should be able to find patterns where you can see other words that contain the letters 'E', 'T' and 'H', but also one or two other letters to fill in some blanks. (I found 'THAT' on a few places, and therefore could fill in the letter 'A', first checking that 'A' made sense for that symbol on other places).

4. Repeat 3 for other letters and you will soon enough have found what letters all the symbols represent.

It is a bit time consuming, but it's not really that hard. It helps if you can make a larger copy of the code and it helps even more if you can somehow make space between each row to fill in the letters. I used an image manipulation program to cut and paste each row from a scanned image of the code to a document in a word processor, leaving space between each row, then printed it out and did all the work on that paper.

Other people might have other tips on how to make things easier.
Provided the code is in English we can do the following:

1. Count how many times each symbol appears. In English, the letter 'E' is the most prominent by far, so the symbol that appears most is most likely the letter 'E'. In this text, the symbol is by far the most common one, so you can't go wrong.

2. The most common word in English is "THE". Since we've already found 'E', we need to find the most common two symbol combination that comes just before the symbol 'E'. Also here, there is one combination that's way more common than the others, so you can't go wrong. Here, I hit a bump the first time and didn't get a combination that was significantly more common than others, until I turned the booklet upside down. Then I found a combination that was way more common than the others. Now you've found the letters "T" and "H".

3. Now you should be able to find patterns where you can see other words that contain the letters 'E', 'T' and 'H', but also one or two other letters to fill in some blanks. (I found 'THAT' on a few places, and therefore could fill in the letter 'A', first checking that 'A' made sense for that symbol on other places).

4. Repeat 3 for other letters and you will soon enough have found what letters all the symbols represent.

It is a bit time consuming, but it's not really that hard. It helps if you can make a larger copy of the code and it helps even more if you can somehow make space between each row to fill in the letters. I used an image manipulation program to cut and paste each row from a scanned image of the code to a document in a word processor, leaving space between each row, then printed it out and did all the work on that paper.

Other people might have other tips on how to make things easier.
You are smart :notworthy
Could you send me the document with the scanned image?
its obvious the first sentence in the hidden text is the first sentence in the album, so there u go u got most of the letters deciphered
Does anyone understand what happens in Hessian Peel? Also, does anyone know who is the narrator and who is he holding in his arms in Hex Omega?
Dude, I just wanted to help you out, didn't mean to insult you or whatever ;)
I then will also extend an apology to you for snappin on ya. It was not your fault...I could have just as easily not let it anything bother me so my rant was unecessary. See what happens when I go two days without my meds:)?
You are smart :notworthy
Could you send me the document with the scanned image?

The word processor I used is OpenOffice (http://www.openoffice.org/). So the file is saved in that format:

I did a conversion to MS Word format, but I have no idea if it'll show up well in Word, since I don't have MS Office installed:

I'd suggest you install OpenOffice and try it out. It exists for multiple platforms and is totally free, then use the document in the first sharebee link. If you already have MS Office installed and refuse to install another Office package, try out the second sharebee link and see if it works. Also let me know if it does work.

IMPORTANT: I created the document from a right side up scan from the booklet. So download the document, open it with your word processor, print it out, and then turn the pages upside down and start working on decoding the message.
Well I don't know what's happening in hessian peel, but I have a new thought in my head.
It is a fact that the mother is or was lying (She told me lies), that's why the father leaves her. The line "When I get out of here" might refer to the coil they are in, the marriage. I just don't know why he was always waiting for nothing. What was he waiting for? No idea yet. The lie I think might either be that sickness, which is often mentioned during the record or maybe even the child, the father might not be real father which would lead to a massive attack scene in the Jerry Springer Show. Don't know, maybe you got ideas as well...
Just found out something: the backward lyrics in Hessian Peel are more than "My sweet satan, I see you". I'm sure in the beginning he says "Now close your eyes" and then something I just didn't got exactly. Sounds like "Come by time", but that makes no sense. I'm sure that this satan thing doesn't make sense as well, I guess it's just goof from Mike. You can listen to it if you record the songs with your audio-recorder and reverse it.
Might be a reference to those made-up-messeages by Led Zeppelin.
At first I thought the code is also just a gag.
BTW: What does Hessian Peel mean actually, I have not the slightest idea.
I see the lyrics are pertaining to a person entering into faith (coil) to fit in with his community (similarly the outsider in Still Life is shut out because of his lack of faith), before his he loses his belief and begins to call Christ a Heir Apparent. In The Lotus Eater he becomes more distanced from his faith, community and wife, who is a believer.
Burden takes place much later, he has separated from his wife and moved far away. He has children, as the next two tracks tell us, and time goes by. They meet again in Hessian Peel, and it is a dramatic confrontation. Hex Omega reconciliates the two, though they are still scarred. Seems to fit in with the Still Life and Ghost Reveries idea of an outsider being separated (from something positive / his woman) because of his differing belief.
saint-ex,here you have the reversed part of HP:

"out on the courtyard
come back tonight
my sweet satan I see you" or something like that.

So strange.Do you think it may have connection with the album-story?
Provided the code is in English we can do the following:

1. Count how many times each symbol appears. In English, the letter 'E' is the most prominent by far, so the symbol that appears most is most likely the letter 'E'. In this text, the symbol is by far the most common one, so you can't go wrong.

2. The most common word in English is "THE". Since we've already found 'E', we need to find the most common two symbol combination that comes just before the symbol 'E'. Also here, there is one combination that's way more common than the others, so you can't go wrong. Here, I hit a bump the first time and didn't get a combination that was significantly more common than others, until I turned the booklet upside down. Then I found a combination that was way more common than the others. Now you've found the letters "T" and "H".

3. Now you should be able to find patterns where you can see other words that contain the letters 'E', 'T' and 'H', but also one or two other letters to fill in some blanks. (I found 'THAT' on a few places, and therefore could fill in the letter 'A', first checking that 'A' made sense for that symbol on other places).

4. Repeat 3 for other letters and you will soon enough have found what letters all the symbols represent.

It is a bit time consuming, but it's not really that hard. It helps if you can make a larger copy of the code and it helps even more if you can somehow make space between each row to fill in the letters. I used an image manipulation program to cut and paste each row from a scanned image of the code to a document in a word processor, leaving space between each row, then printed it out and did all the work on that paper.

Other people might have other tips on how to make things easier.

Wow! Thats pretty cool...