Wats do you think of the following


Panzer Division Humus
Nov 24, 2001
Because not many people (even here in Belgium) think it's discusting, I want to know what you guys think of the following.
Here in the town where I live (70000 inhabitants) we have this thing called Oilsjt carnaval. It's a 3-day tradition, but actually it's just three days where 30000 people are collectivly drunk. Now, nothing wrong with that you think, but the other tradition are the socalled voil jeannetten

now these are the most extreme guys, but almost everybody is dressed as a woman, well more extreme, miniskirts, fake boobs, lots of make-up, well mostly like this

Most people can't understand and find it pervert and stuff like that, but we're used to it, when you're a kid you see all these people pass your door you see the friend of your sister dressed up as a girl, you see people laying on doorsteps throwing up , pissing in postbusses, laying in the gutter. So what do you think of it?
We also have the special time every year when half of the people in town are completely drunken. (80.000 people town)
The event that causes all the drinking is called Neste Rally Finland.

We don't dress up as females though.. :p
@ loWildChild: hell no, it's just people having fun and getting drunk. Normally I'm against all the gay-stuff and gays, but everybody does it, so way not? You have to admit it's fucking hilarious, and the temparature's about 5 degrees, but most are to drunk to notice that :)

@ pentelesh: no, it isn't me, luckily. I will post some photo's of me next week all dressed up, but I'm not going as a female, that's for next year. I'm still in doubt, shall I go as a rasta or a metalhead with corpsepaint? Maybe rasta, that's more hilarious...
Nope, no CD's yet, he has examns at the moment. Oh well, don't want to disturb people who are studying for such an important thing, so I will wait... well there's nothing else I can do :s
LMFAO Only in Europe. Hahahaha...........lol well it's kinda wierd cuz usually, here in the US, when we see somethin like that we follow it with the term....."only in L.A." But shit, theres nothin wrong with monstrous beer parties, but when everyone starts crossdressing............that's when I grab my assault rifle. Fuck man, dressing evil is one thing that seems to be started in northern europe,(goth and black metal type shit.) I myself wear black eyeliner, tats and dark and demonic shit, but that's just cuz I'm an evil fuckin misanthrope. When they start wearin lipstick(especially non-black) and wearin fake tits and shit that's where I draw the line. True it may be funny, but I can think of alot more humorous scenarios with the same individuals as they're trippin over their dresses and smearin their fuckin lipstick and shit while running from a barrage of gunfire. NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL ENTERTAINMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Muhuhahaha.
that sounds kinda cool. we have these things here called Independence Day, Super Bowl Sunday, and New Years. they're basically excuses for people to get wasted and forget the reason they're celebrating. worthless events.

there's nothin wrong with guys in drag. if its what they wanna do, cool. the new york dolls did it and they rock more than 90% of the shit clogging the mainstream today. i mean, it doesn't hafta be gay. we all do "feminine" things (lipstick, makeup, nailpolish...), but they're only considered feminine cause that's what society tells us. fuck that.
(First post on this board)
This is kinda funny...
I find it all very natural. I live in Rio de Janeiro-Brazil and we are in Carnaval time right now... the city gets chaotic and you see drunk drags almost everywhere.
If I go to the living room and turn on the TV right now, I'll just see a bunch of naked women dancing on top of allegorical cars...
I hate this time of the year, but, it's part of tradition... useless tradition, but atleast it brings a bunch of tourists that are crazy about samba and easy women:rolleyes:
Well, I'm from Germany and I hate the German way of celebrating carnival.
I don't like those Gays much, either, but a whole city having the tradition of changing sexes for a certain time is a quite cute tradition :D
I think it looks and sounds bloody wonderful, and I would be honoured to take part in such a marvolous event!

Too bad Australians dont do that kinda thing, the only think we have similar is the Mardi Gra....but of course that's a gay and lebian festival, and I am not a lesbian lol!

Looks like a good excuse to get drunk and have some fun.
"LMFAO Only in Europe. Hahahaha...........lol well it's kinda wierd cuz usually, here in the US, when we see somethin like that we follow it with the term....."only in L.A.""

Dude, did you forget about mardi gras in new orleans, Louisiana? It kicks the crap out of all the euro carnivals. We have 3 million drunk freaks on the streets for 2 weeks. I'm from L.A. and we don't quite have anything like that there, only the rose parade. The only thing bigger than mardi gras in new orleans is carnival in Brazil.