What do you think of Alexi's guitar tone?

i think to get alexi tone, first of all the best option is to get alexi guitar (alexi-600 or e-al-120).
if you cant afford that replace pickup on your guitar with hz like alexi is using or duncan invader (like roope)... or something that sounds like hz or invader - there are quite many options. I don't think active pickup like emg81 will give you that tone - i used to owe one guitar with emg81 on it - it sounded totally different. That's just my opinion, but you can go with emg81 still. I have a guitar with duncan JB in the bridge - it sounds more close to alexi tone than what emg81 used to sound like but not quite as close as my e-al-120. your guitar preferably should be a neck-thru and the wood should be alder. Bolt-on might do just fine too, but the tone might deviate.
then you gotta get something that sounds somewhat like lee jackson. for example, i tried once to play alexi-600 in the guitar store through peavey xxx. the tone was very believable alexi tone... more believable than though my marshall jmp-1 at home. if you wanna try to sound like alexi by setting mids to 10 with your 15 watt Chinese practice amp and some crappy distortion pedal - i don't think it will ever work. You need to get decent gear. And I also believe gain booster isn't absolutely necessary to get alexi tone... get a decent amp instead - and avoid mutilating your guitar with those switches.

One more thing you can try out is to use a program called Guitar Rig 2. The distortion that comes from it is kind of crappy and unnatural (in my opinion - but many people might argue). But if you connect your tube preamp to it - it's a totally different story! I connect my jmp-1 to my computer and basicly i just play around with different cabinets, microphones and their positions in guitar rig. The tone i get in the end is pretty close to the one in FTR (using 4x12 80s cab with dynamic microphone on the axis in guitar rig). I think i am gonna record some samples sometimes and post them soon.

This my experience mimicking alexi tone - i hope it's helpful to you.
Hmm... I don´t think that the guitar (without electonics) do almoust anything to sound.
BTW, in thsi video:

Is there something trick to get those pinch harmonics sounds like that at 00:05-00:06 part?

Some tips? I mean, the vibrato is started before harmonics or something liek that? I can get only "ding" sound when I try harmonics on so high... even if I try different places, and place what Laiho uses I can´t get anything kind of sound on those notes...
Alexi's tone is great, especially in the earlier days, I think it went down since AYDY came out and it shows on the Chaos Ridden Years DVD when Alexi and Janne are soloing against each other. The Jackson sound was better.
I don't blame his tone change by switching to ESP, honestly the ESP custom shop probably makes some of the best guitars in the world...

People seem to forget that he switched POWERAMPS along with using shitty EMG HZ's for aydy. That can make a huge difference in sound. He made the switch probably cause most of AYDY is drop c chugga chugga shit. Which is what emg's and stuff excell in. All he has to do is pick up one of them older jacksons pickups he used to use, start using them peavey poweramps he used to use, and he will have his old tone back. But I don't think he wants that anymore because CoB is pretty much done with that whole neoclassical stuff, he just wants to chug away and do more whammy type stuff now I guess. Which I still don't mind. That's what I think anyways.
Now I have Peavey Bandit 112, whit EQ pedal on efect loop.

So what EQ (low, mid, high) from amp, and expecially from pedal to use?

Frequencys are 100,200,400,800,1600,3200,6400

And can some say also what Frequencys means low, mid and high (Hz)?
Dude, I saw you PM and also your post in one other thread I think. I have no idea. Just set it how you like it and turn the middles up.

Low frequency (low number) = low
high frequency ( high number) = high

Just experiment with the settings. You're not deaf, are you? :rolleyes:
You're not deaf, are you? :rolleyes:

There are so fucking many possibilities, so to get even some kind of advice could help. And amp/pedal have so good EQ, that even little changes makes big difference to sound...

But, low bass much everything else, right? :)
^^Ehmmm that sounds like fuckin trebley and SHIT setting...i dont mean to be rude but cant you just fuck around and tweak like everyone else? i mean i can spend hour(s) on tweaking with my amp and pedal to find some good settings and i really think its alot of fun. Id have on High bass...low treble,medium Middle and yeah...but not the thing you said...the tone woud be thin and crappy :)
Treble: 9
Mid: 4
Bass: 7
Gain: 8
Reverb: 4
(on guitar)
Tone: 10
Pickup: Bridge

Found this on ultimate guitar. It sounds just like him when I try it, but like he says himself only if you crank it up.
HOLLY CRAPPP I just got my Lee Jackson GP-1000 in the mail yesterday, that thing sounds SO awesome, If your looking to get Alexi tone, put all your talk about guitar woods and pickups, poweramps and gainboosters aside, you got to go with this thing, Its a hard to comeby thing but you can get them on ebay for under 250 dollars and it sounds phenominal. Even without some sort of gain boost.

Im running the preamp settings like so (keep in mind the knobs go from 1-20, cept the mid shift knob which is a set 0-5)

Volume: 20
Distortion: 20 (knob in pulled out position)
Treble: 15 (pulled out)
Mids: 12
Mid Shift: position 3
Bass: 20 (pulled out)
Master: depends
Im running it through a Peavey Classic 50/50 power amp, which runs EL-84s ive ran it through my Mesaboogie's poweramp section before with its 6L6 tubes and it sounded great too, I mean the type of tubes in a poweramp are proabbaly the least of worries when comes to coloring your tone, the differnt power tube characteristics only really come out when you have it cranked up 75%+ of the way which on a 50 watt tube amp would blow your brains out even in a mediumlarge sized venue. alot of high gain amps like the Lee Jackson, that get most of their voicing from the preamp do not really need to rely on a cranked poweramp. The poweramp distortion still sounds good, but the amp doesn't 'need' to be cranked to sound good you know.

So anyways im basically running a USA Jackson SL2-H, through a Behringer Preamp booster pedal (yea seriously 1,500 dollar gtar into a 15 dollar pedal haha, it gets the job done for now, its like just a treble and bass and gain booster without the overdive distortion or whatver) and then that into a Boss Noise supressor pedal, into the Lee Jackson, to the Peavey and then in the picture below its going into a Mesa 2x12 cab in my bedroom but with a band i use my Marshall 1960B cab.

I cant wait to use my new rack setup live, its gonna be tits

Dont pay attention to the settings on the picture, i was just messing around, the settings i posted before are my favorite,

text books for college are SO expensive i know, but you wont beleieve how much i got the Lee Jackson and the Peavey power amp for, I got the Lee Jackon on ebay for like $220 (i would have got it for 190 but someone tried to snipe it in the last 5 seconds) and then I haggled the guys at guitar center down to $175 for the poweramp! Both the behringer tuner and the effects proccessor are so shitty, i need to get a better tuner, it wont even read your guitars pitch half the time:lol: