Waves SSL vs. Channelstrip

Yeah, they stopped releasing stuff cos noone was appreciating it, the waves stuff is AIR, but i don't know if that really is H20 under another name.
lol, i htink those guys are payed by the companies itself ;)

it's the best advertising steinberg etc can get, esp. because h2o runs more stable than the original, i know several people, that run the h20-version of cubase although they have the original, just because the cracked version works better ;)

i think for testing puposes and home application it might be ok, when you're running an official studio you've gotta buy it anyway ....(at least i do)
cobhc said:
Yeah, they stopped releasing stuff cos noone was appreciating it, the waves stuff is AIR, but i don't know if that really is H20 under another name.

H2O is AiR. That's not why they "stopped releasing stuff", either.
where do all you people find out so much about cracked plugs? i guess i didnt get the newsletter ha. i own mine anyways, i found a place that sells the ssl plugs for $550 and the MH are a good deal if you buy it while its its the demo version they offer a nice discount.