Way OT: wanted to share my G.A.S. pain


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
damn i just fot this amazing offer to buy a tube-tech MMC1A mic pre/multiband comp for an incredible price (less than half) in mint condition....
but still a little too much atm for me.....

it's like getting a present but not being able to lift the own arms for taking it!
i feel sad, confused, slightly aroused (or more;) ) and i know what the topic of my dreams the next (10000) nights will be.

worst thing is that i almost know i'll have the money shortly after he'll have sold it.
i hate it when such once in a lifetime chances pass and you can't do anything about it :cry: :cry: :cry:

sorry for bothering you with that, but i thought shared GAS is half GAS.......
it isnt ;(