WD or JEFF...one of ya should ansrew this thread

its true haha. they are BAD. and not bad as in good like 80s slang or something. bad as in not good. ya know, like 'cancer is bad' an whatnot.
well well well....popa, you say things like if you dont agree with us, we slag ya.....just as you slagged us.


I will say this....im in a band, and i WOULD NOT, i say NOT, stand in front of everyone else for a pic.

But really, its no biggie....

As far as Jeff running his mouth...i have no clue what he said, if he cant handle havving some young fans....and a few old fuckers like myself with a funny bone, then he can fuck off for all i care. I only like Jeff on cds anyway. Im sure he and i would not get along in the real world. He never stopped by the board anyway. Even when WE were at the old board before UM...its always been WD and pretty much just WD. Now, WD seems to be a PPL person in my book anyway. I would rather read his threads and replies AND interviews than to read Jeffs.

That being said....NEVERMORE IS MY FAV BAND in the fucking world. 30 yrs nearly ive been listening to and playing music, and you dont get any better than nevermore.....