We are getting ready to record... Drummer announcement


Jul 20, 2005
We are now gearing up to record our first full length cd for candlelight records wich we think will hit stores in the fall. Right now we are currently hammering out pre production demos and putting the final touches on some new songs.

We are also happy to announce that we are working with drummer Zach Gibson (Gutrot, In Battle Array, ex black dahlia murder) for the album as well as some upcoming tour stuff. We will be busy rehearsing with this dude this month until early june and then its off to the studio.
Congrads guys! Zach is a bad ass drummer. Really quick feet and good hand skills, and well proven in the studio. He will be a great addition to your skills and abilities as a band!

I hope you realize the expectations that just got set for the album. This better be (is going to be) "the shit" album of the year! Can't wait!