What guitar should we buy to record our album ?


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
I'm the drummer in a metalcore band and we will be recording our second album this summer. We will record the drums into a studio here in France, then bass and guitars will be recorded by myself, then we plan to have it mixed by Jacob Hansen.

The guitarists in this band use an ESP Horizon (EMG 81 pickup in the bridge) and a BC Rich (EMG 85 pickup in the bridge). I tried to record those guitars but I'm not really satisfied with the result compared to other guitars I had in hands for recordings.

In our budget for the album we have some money available to buy a good guitar that we can use to track the rythm parts of the album. Here are some models I loved when I heard them through my 5150 :
- Gibson Les Paul Studio with EMG (that chunky Gibson sound, but tuning is a PITA)
- Gibson SG Standard with passive Gibson pickups (more mids than the LP, a bit easier to have it tuned correctly)
- ESP Eclipse with EMGs (big and warm sounding guitar, easy to play)
- LTD EC-1000 (amazing sound and quite cheap)

I love the Gibson sound but I know that having them in tune correctly can really be a problem. ESP/LTD sound great too, less "life" but amazing for metal.

Can you give me your opinion about that ? What do you guys like for rythm parts for this kind of music ? Do you think there are particular Gibson or ESP models that can suit our needs best ?
Thanks !
Some guitar sounds we like :
- As I Lay Dying - Shadows Are Security / An Ocean Between Us
- Killswitch Engage - The End Of Heartache
- last Nightrage album
- In Flames - Reroute To Remain
- Bullet For My Valentine - The Poison
- Soilwork - Figure Number Five
- Machine Head - Through The Ashes Of Empires
Eh...Eclipse or EC-1000 is my pick as well, I'm a little biased owning an EC-1000 though :lol:

I'm surprised you didn't like the Horizon. I don't think I've played one with Emg's though, but the ones I've played with passives have been amazing.

EC1000 would be my pick as well, they're not that expensive, especially used, but they're very nice. I had an EC1000 in satin black for a while, and I still kind of regret selling it.