We played Silent Night Bodom Night... check it


New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2004
But, we got cutoff by the sound guy. We preformed in a "tocata" when student bands gather in a school and play some songs. Anyways, we played Metalllica - Orion and Dimmu Borigir - Mourning Palace. After playing that, the organizer said to get off stage because our time was over and he didn't enjoy the Dimmu song. My band starts walking off when the 2nd guitarist, (he didn't know much of the song) began playin Silent Night Bodom Night. I followed, and well, 5 seconds into it they put some tecno music to shut us off, so bare with me. We only got abuot 15 seconds, and I thought it would be nice to share.
The sound system sucked in the place, it sucked soo much balls, the drums were loud and the rest of the instruments were too low. The 2nd guitar was much louder than 1st guitar, the sound guy, a student was fuckin retarded, etc... hahaha, nevertheless it was fuckin fun.

I need someone to help me upload the video, its tiny. thanks.

Thanks Tut Ankh Amon, I was really looking foward for comments by other drummers.

Apart from that! I shall give you a better FUCKIN RECORDING by Saturday you unsatiable bitches :headbang: :headbang:

My guitarist/keyboardist cannot harmonize the solo but I'll at least give you 2 minutes of quality Silent Night Bodom Night.