webmasters/mistresses/foreigners needed!

well, i have tried Frontpage, might be possible to a page this way! Not sure though, maybe i ccan ask a friend to help me. If he helps it would be no prob. So, do yer have any backrounds or any pics which one could use for example a Banner or sth similar. I mean there should be material to release on the page, shouldn't?
I can do a Dutch site for Flanders (Belgium) and Holland. I know how to make websites, so you could just tell me what has to be on it. I'll try to make some lay-out thingies in Photoshop, although I'm not the best in the world at that :-/
I don't have that much time these days but if I can work on my own tempo I could get it up in a few weeks.
DragonLady1 said:
morpheus, I can help u with a german page, but pleaaaseee dont use frontpage, this sucks!!! dreamweaver is even better :)

I can also send u a lot of pics from the Greece gigs and some reviews if u need :)
thanks mate, but let me first ask me mate, cause if i would do one, then only together with another person, because as i already mentioned, i'm damn shitty in making a homepage (dreamweaver, i think i have heard of it). But i will gladly receive yer help, anytime :Spin:
Real *MAN* uses a notepad to make web pages.

And I would love to do a finnish one. Pity I'm too busy 'till next January or so.
Morpheus said:
thanks mate, but let me first ask me mate, cause if i would do one, then only together with another person, because as i already mentioned, i'm damn shitty in making a homepage (dreamweaver, i think i have heard of it). But i will gladly receive yer help, anytime :Spin:

yea that would be cool, cause I'm also quite bad in this website thing, I can do some designs but I'm really an idiot when it comes into html and programming stuff...

But as I said, if u need something just tell me, we could do an antimatter website for germany & austria, would be cool!

anyway, why not meeting once when I'm up thete in Germany?

PS: Got a Zeraphine Promo today and really like it!!!!!
Server's running. People who are willing to help can contact me through MSN and send me their translations or graphical stuff or something. We have to plan things anyway, I don't want the same review translated 3 times and that :)
antimatterbabies, is it usefull to translate everything from mr. moss his site into i.e. dutch? (reviews/interviews)
there are 25 mln speakers out there, but i wonder if it has any use, as i'm more up to reading 'original' english reviews anyway.
so what should be on the local websites?
I'm already building the site, but I'm not sure about everything... How can we promote our own sites? People looking for news will very likely always end up on Mega's site (pretty bad one) or Mick's site (good one).
Also, I was thinking for some exclusive stuff making it worth visiting the site, that would be nice, but I don't have any ideas for that :confused:
DragonLady1 said:
yea that would be cool, cause I'm also quite bad in this website thing, I can do some designs but I'm really an idiot when it comes into html and programming stuff...

But as I said, if u need something just tell me, we could do an antimatter website for germany & austria, would be cool!

anyway, why not meeting once when I'm up thete in Germany?

PS: Got a Zeraphine Promo today and really like it!!!!!

wow, don't tell me yer got the new album, shiiit, i should write for a mag or sth.! Is it any good? Nah, don#t tell me too much, hehe.

About the website: i asked me mate, he was excited to do a homepage for Antimatter. If you have any design proposals, you're very welcome to send them to me. I guess we will start this week hopefully, but we need some graphics and stuff.

we were looking for an url today, but antimatter.de was already taken, but not used. Maybe we can get it. If not we'll choose another one. lets see, i guess the next days will show.

about a meeting. Tell me when you're around, maybe we can arrange sth!