webmasters/mistresses/foreigners needed!

I think he'd like you to put up some mp3's from German gigs, like I had to do with the mp3's from Dongen, so if any bootlegs are gonna be made in the next tour, you could put some songs online.
For the biography, I kinda translated Mehdi's French bio and added some more recent things.
Cerulean said:
I think he'd like you to put up some mp3's from German gigs, like I had to do with the mp3's from Dongen, so if any bootlegs are gonna be made in the next tour, you could put some songs online.
For the biography, I kinda translated Mehdi's French bio and added some more recent things.

ok, then i will take yours and add some more recent things :p

well, for the mp3's, what about some samples from the albums? i think that'd be more important.
That's what I was going to do as well, but that's nothing special at all, as all other Antimatter (and label) sites already have those. So putting up Dongen mp3's turned out to be much better indeed.
By the way, can you understand everything from that Dutch biography?? Also, I think there are some mistakes in it: Drug Free America is being mentioned twice, but I think it had to be Mirazma (I just translated that from Mehdi though)
i think i can understand quite a lot, maybe 3/4 of it :)

but i will ask Duncan anyway. And before there is no bootleg, it might be quite ok to put an mp3 from the album on the site.
Sopel said:
dunc, im just working on http://antimatter.rockmetal.art.pl. i've got 4 helpers-volunteers who makes tranlations into German and Spanish (i make polish and english version). you will be able to see effects of our work soon.

am helping with the translations for this one, great job Sopel :cool:

a page for more than 20 spanish countries o_O

am looking forward to show a friend who has a metal/rock radio program to put some antimetter :D

who said sellout?? :Smug:
does someone have the latest aardschok magazine (dutchies/belgians) there should be a short interview with duncan in it... could someone scan it (to have lay outs and stuff... )
you're not on the mailinglist, right? there's a dutchie who has it, so he doesn't matter to send the text but he doesn't have a scanner... does irene have it?
i'll scan it and send it to you gorik (thought you 'd have asked me if you 'dbeen interested; could've given it to you last friday) sorry!