webmasters/mistresses/foreigners needed!

hey dunc, there might be a delay with our german page, for me mate has sth else to do at the moment, sorry for that. i hate to depend on people ;)

I hope it's not a problem!
Cerulean said:
I can do a Dutch site for Flanders (Belgium) and Holland. I know how to make websites, so you could just tell me what has to be on it. I'll try to make some lay-out thingies in Photoshop, although I'm not the best in the world at that :-/

i can be of service i guess - check out http://radiantstar.cjb.net (my Samael fansite) to check whether u wanna exploit me ;)

I don't have that much time these days but if I can work on my own tempo I could get it up in a few weeks.

if u need any help - add me: saturnu5@hotmail.com

nice one mate! would be great if i can be of some support.
well i dont like popups meself... and certainly not a request for installing a certain program.
but besides that its okay though a bit too bright for my eyes
Thx :)
Als iemand nederlandstalige cd of concert reviews (of engels als het een concert in benelux was) of interviews heeft, stuur maar door :) da's het enige waar ik nu nog niks over heb...
Fotos zijn ook altijd heel welkom.

If anyone has made any Antimatter wallpapers, artwork or other stuff, I'd like to put it on the site :)
shit, i cant make design and that only the text, anyone help? anyone want hungarian trans? whats wrong with the idea of a multiinternationalcenter?
Dora said:
shit, i cant make design and that only the text, anyone help? anyone want hungarian trans? whats wrong with the idea of a multiinternationalcenter?

It's better if people do their own thing like, instead of just the same page translated into different languages. Obviously, the news would be the same and that.
Morpheus said:
we were looking for an url today, but antimatter.de was already taken, but not used. Maybe we can get it. If not we'll choose another one. lets see, i guess the next days will show.
Did you try www.antimatter.de.vu ? You can get those urls for free at www.nic.de.vu .If thatone's away allready you can also try www.antimatter.ch.vu (at www.nic.ch.vu).

I could help with a croatian one but at the moment I'm fucked by the Metalpics.ch :(
yepp, Eos i thought about that. But me mate said this one (.de.vu) isn't any good, so we chose www.antimatter-band.de

I think that's ok, innit?

we hopefully will start soon, couldn't do it yet cause me bloody pc was fucked till yesterday. sorry dunc!

btw dunc a profile of you and Mick, along with a description of the other musician would be nice. And a biography of course. Or should i simply translate one? And may we provide mp3's samples or sth?

many questions i know, maybe i better catch you on msn!