Website additions


May 30, 2002
Sice we're allways trying to improve the website,
we need feedback from the fans, the people that visit it.
What do you want to find on
What do you feel is missing?

:: Ezaphen ::
Only just actually saw the site just now.... been checking there nearly everyday and got a shock when something different popped up. (Top work by the way, hats off)

Anyway, I dont know where it would fit in, but I thought that this desktop theme was great. Maybe it would fit in the Auditorium section or something. Extra stuff like this is always nice. Here is the link for you to check it out.
Originally posted by Kanyon
Anyway, I dont know where it would fit in, but I thought that this desktop theme was great. Maybe it would fit in the Auditorium section or something. Extra stuff like this is always nice. Here is the link for you to check it out.

Thanks man :)
Checking it out as we speak.
We are thinking about making a "Fan Art"-section under Auditorium, so most likely it will be found there.
More pics would be cool. I mean those from the "Empiricism" promo shots session... Then tabs...but Tyr promised them in the future...well...and I think that's it! The rest is just about perfect! :)
yeah, photos from Century Media Presscentral is great idea:p maybe in smaller version, but it would be cool. and guestbook i think...
There are definately coming more photos. Many photos. I promise, so keep checking the site.

A guestbook is a good idea. I'll see what we can fix.

About the background-music-chanting-thingy... We discussed it, but we found out that it would be "too much".
I agree. If it's not an excellent and original background song...well, it can become quite annoying (since it's a loop all the time).

Good to hear about the upcoming addition of pictures. Hey, but also pictures from Borknagar's past would be cool, not just the recent ones. I remember such pictures being on the old Borknagar site. This way you can really trace the (visual :lol: )development and various line-ups of the band.

Yes, and I forgot about the guestbook. That's a must-have, I think. Phew, I guess it will be filled soon after its inception. ;)
Nah. Thanks for the tip, but I'll rather make a customized guestbook in asp. The ones that you get for free have a nasty habbit of being slow and disfunctional.

Besides... I suck in german :)
And it's an Austrian guestbook, too, if I'm not mistaken...;)
But hey, I'm sure Ezaphen will come up with a great and unique Borkie guestbook.
Definitely some tabs.

Backround music wouldn't be bad. Katatonia did an awesome job on their website with the backround music. I can listen to that tune for never gets old to me :)

I can't think of much else...Great job on the site by the way. And its about damn TIME!!! :D

NP: Hypocrisy - "Don't Judge Me"