Website additions

I know, I know. I was supposed to add some stuff yesterday, but I'm waiting for stuff from the band.

How many time's can you vote on the website?
I think it would be cool maybe to have a vote of every song?
Or an archive of vote's so to speak for when new stuff comes out.(DVD)*hint hint*
The emp2 wallpaper rules!
As you all may have seen, some Professional Headbanger has allready posted that there are some basstabs out on the site. There's also a new poll (now there's a surprise :) ), and some PartySan-pics.
Just for the record the poll's "Hell No!!!" sounds a little harsh...kinda like derogatory or somethin' but most of us over here will proabably vote no (even thought i didn't cuz SOMEDAY i shall see them:p ) so don't take offense at a few "Hell No" votes:) cuz that dosent nessicarily mean ppl WOULD'T go see the Borkies....but you probably could guess all this and i wasted my time....oh well:spin: