Website additions

Yeah, guess I should make some banners and buttons....
Personally i hate backgroundmusic and intros. Especially if it's a webpage your're often visiting. You get tired of clicking the skip intro button.

Cheers folks :)
Ya, I guess I ussually turn off music after once heard. I guess it was more of a wonder of what Borknagar would come up with.
But your right it probably would be more annoying than good after the third browse.
The sight looks very cool, thanks.
Morgana, could you PLEAASSEE post that old Borknagar banner?!? I used to have it on my old computer and I have NO idea what happened to it...Anyways, If you could post that It would be GREATLY appreciated :D
I use this one


didn't had time to make a new one myself.
Would be cool if when viewing the pictures you
can click on them and get an even larger version :o)
That would be yumyum >:o)

And I love the fact that you can just click next and
get to the next image, instead of having to click back
to an indexsite and then click the image you want to
view :o)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
And I love the fact that you can just click next and
get to the next image, instead of having to click back
to an indexsite and then click the image you want to
view :o)

Cool. I think that is the most natural way of browsing images. Just like reading a magazine... Page by page.

I'll put in a "site updates"-button under Activity, so you can keep track of the updates. Right now I have 12 interviews to add ;)

Originally posted by Blackspirit
Have you thought about adding a
newsletter feature...? I'd like that :o)

yeah, newslatter is fucking great idea!!!
Has anyone noticed that new pictures were added to the Borknagar webpage? Amongst others, the "Empiricism" press pictures I asked for. ;) Thanks, Ezaphen!
Originally posted by Morgana
Ezaphen, will you be in Wacken with the band?

Unfortunately no. I'm going on holliday to Kos in Greece the 1. of August, so I will miss Wacken this year.
