Originally posted by Satori
Yep, lots of inspiration. So you are living in Curling? Is that what it's called? It's been a long long time for me but I remember that huge/steep fucking hill...
Did you know that before Stephenville got a McDonalds, they would drive an hour to coner brook just to get a big mac? Boredom does strange things to ya... no wonder so many people there drink, fuck, and smoke the sweet mary jane..
Massey Drive actually , but it's a steep fucking hill , crazy steep motherfuckin big ass hill . You burn a half tank of gas goin up it .
I have to drive 5 minute's to eat McDonalds . I was at wall mart one day and I seen a person I knew from Port Saunders (which is a 300 km drive from corner brook) , so I ask them "what are you doin down this way" and they told me that they were just up to buy some stuff from the enw wall mart . Haha , yeah and then you do wonder why people are always drunk and stonned here .