
Jul 31, 2005
St. Louis, MO
I didn't lose everything on my hd :D:D:D:D

*backups all the rest*

You don't care? Well, I don't care about you either :tickled:

weeee :hotjump:
let's all just frolic and do dances :D

funny you should mention that because my pc is fucking me right now and won't boot up... there is so much irreplacable stuff i haven't backed up :cry:
enjoi17 said:
funny you should mention that because my pc is fucking me right now and won't boot up... there is so much irreplacable stuff i haven't backed up :cry:

o_O ?
enjoi17 said:
funny you should mention that because my pc is fucking me right now and won't boot up... there is so much irreplacable stuff i haven't backed up :cry:
If it won't boot plain and simple, you don't have to worry about your stuff, it's safe on the hd.

If the problem is the hd itself(like was mine) then you're fucked. Let it cool down and try to turn it on later. Open it, poke around the cables, check for bad contacts.
my freind lost like 30 gigs of musis and a bucnh of sweet pics when his HD blew. but he deserved it. He tried to run Everquest2 on one screen, and WoW on the other...Then his video card sploded.
Then when re-booting ttrying to fix his comp the power went out and his HD freid :D
CliffBurton said:
my freind lost like 30 gigs of musis and a bucnh of sweet pics when his HD blew. but he deserved it. He tried to run Everquest2 on one screen, and WoW on the other...Then his video card sploded.
LOL :lol:
Tut Ankh Amon said:
lucky you
i would DROP DEAD if i had a major HD failure.
Holy shit, just the thought of it makes me shiver
*bate na madeira* :guh:
what do you think my reaction was? I seriously got fucked up :guh:

I'm gonna get a new hd for backup :cry: