Weekend Thread


Apr 13, 2006
I have an idea. Every weekend I'm gonna start this thread to see the happenings of our COBOT'ers as the weekend hits.

If the idea fails then...hey,I tried.

anyways,here's what I'm doing.

Friday-work all day
Saturday-bought Dream Theater tickets and a possible LR/Nikki fun photo time
Sunday-Whatever happens, happens.
Thursday (Technically Friday Morning 12am-8am) - Worked 10 hour midnight shift, it was horrible
Friday - Worked midnight shift, fought with drunks ALL night
Saturday - Working Midnight shift
Sunday - Recovering from gayass work
im about to go weightlifting and then down to Belle Isle on the James for a rock climbing/looking at hot chicks in bikinis session
Friday - worked
Saturday - Drunk (so i forget work)
Sunday - Hungover and helping dad with something
wooo richmond.

ill be downtown. come say hi haha

(cause you know... 1 person out of a cities pop. of 200,000 + however many come for the beer and seafood festival + whatever else isnt impossible)
I'm having a dinner for my birthday with friends in a high-typed restaurant, with Champagne and stuff, I'm gonna get back home totally wasted.

Nice evening everybody ! \o
Friday: Working and empting my room
Saturday: Ripping wallpapers off from the wall
Sunday: Chilling, playing football (or soccer, how you ever want to call it)
Thursday - Sick and playing Sega Saturn
Friday - Not as Sick but still playing Sega Saturn
Saturday - Probably Party with a few old freinds.
Sunday - Sleep, followed by Sega Saturn.

I might throw some practise time in there at some point :p.
friday-went to my friends house to play guitar. he just got a jackson warrior, its pretty sweet, but he sucks so bad, no offense to him but hes in the "i can speed pick but i have no idea what scales are", i told him every solo is based off a scale, and he was like no there not!
saturday-guitar shopping all day. having the same friend sleepover tonight
sunday-either practice with band or go to my friends house to play wii
Friday; passed my maths exam and celebrated as fuck
Saturday: helping my dad with some work in our too big garden
2morrow: celebrate my b-day cuz friends had no time before...