Weekend Thread

Friday- did some father's day shopping with my sis. then my friend maria called me and I went back to the mall with her...so basically that was mall day.

Saturday- went to the summer slaughter tour!!! Met Stephan from necrophagist, and had a very lovely chat with him, it was a good conclusion to that night.

Sunday- I'm procrasting on writing my stupid philosophy paper on plato and doing my statistics homwork. Summer school sucks :(
well....STEPHAN came down next to the bar and merchandise tables right after the show...he's such a friendly guy...he looks forward to meeting new ppl so he was just kinda standing there by himself and kinda looked lost :lol: so I went up to him and started talking.
Friday-Mall with cousin, spent the night at her house
Saturday-Went walking around town with cousin, went to the pond and poked frogs, terrorized little kids :lol: almost fought my brother's bassist :lol:
Sunday-Studied :erk:
your brother has a personal bassist?

Yeah, from now on bump this or the other weekend thread pls??

I don't do anything, so everything is a weekend but

Thursday - Cashed soem cheque I got, bought a Weather Report and Kataklysm CD, drank with some friends here and listend to Jazz

Friday - More Jazz and drinking.

Saturday - too tired from drinking teusday - friday, stayed at home by myself and watched some movies and whatnot.

Sunday - My dad took me and my bro sailing for the a few hours, which was realy fun, but he and my brother are so tanned they are nearly spanish now, and Im white as fuck so I burnt up pretty bad, and I was wearing a bandanna so I have a line of burn on my face. Back to my dads place for some swimming and steak, which rocked, my brother showed my Dad and Stepmom all his Venezuala pics, which was fun. Sweet day.

Next weekend my cousin is getting married, and we got ourself a hotel room and we are getting super trased with cousins and partieing all night. Anyone here from Stratford Ontario? :lol:
Friday: Had no school so I watched T.V until I went to my friends and then went home.
Saturday: Woke up and watched T.V then went to a mates and drank. We played a prank on him saying his girlfriend cheated on him.
Sunday:A friend woke up in my room and then we played soccer in the backyard.
Friday: Had no school so I watched T.V until I went to my friends and then went home.
Saturday: Woke up and watched T.V then went to a mates and drank. We played a prank on him saying his girlfriend cheated on him.
Sunday:A friend woke up in my room and then we played soccer in the backyard.
We then found my mate's girlfreind had been chainsawed to death
and Welcome :).