Weekend Thread

i think i might go to universal studios in a couple days, then on the 15th my cousin is flying in to take me to disneyland for 4 days, its gonna be awesome

dude, wtf is wrong with you? go to 6 flags!! I heard the new roller coaster there is pretty intense and you'll be like :Puke: when you're done riding it. I really need to check out myself, actually.
Friday: went to acupuncture -.-
Saturday: Played tennis - and i won !
sunday: after show party from playing tennis.
that was fucking awesome !
i drunk a lot of alc :lol:
:lol: whatever just becuase my family actually works your jealous? i know it takes your mom so hard to bring those 5 pesos in everyday, turning tricks at the local baskin robbins isnt to glamorous. besides i've already gone to 6 flags a bunch, and its to far away
Friday- fantastic adventure with Nikki and her bro in Philadelphia
Saturday- breakfast and minigolf with friends (idk, they invited and... why the hell not after this week's chaos!)
Sunday- "study"/talk some more, to whomever listens. you know who you are... poor kids
Friday: Working and sleeping
Satruday: Sleeping, home alone at the evening :heh:
Sunday: Football, nothing special....

So its gonna be boring weekend
:lol: whatever just becuase my family actually works your jealous? i know it takes your mom so hard to bring those 5 pesos in everyday, turning tricks at the local baskin robbins isnt to glamorous. besides i've already gone to 6 flags a bunch, and its to far away

:lol: I find it ironic that your dad is a "success" and because of that you turned out to be such a failure :lol: I pity him to have a son like you. :lol: :lol:

well my cousin really wanted me to go to disneyland because the last time i went there i was 4 and he dad just died and he really wanted to do this with me, were gonna stay in anaheim and it's gonna be cool so suck my nuts

:lol: Fag.

you wouldn't know what one smells like :p
But true, so very, very true*

*will remain true until he hires a fat hooker, the only way he'll EVER get laid