Weekend Thread

Basically, I worked on my paper for about 8 hours on Friday...but then I went to my friend's party and got drunk, played LOTS of beer pong :D one of my fav games. Met some pplz who play in a band and we got into a heated discussion over who the best guitar player is...the other guy was voting for Steavie Ray Vaughan...and hey, I think he's an amazing player...but not the best. anyway, went to another party tonight. and I think i'm getting sick of this whole party scene....
Basically, I worked on my paper for about 8 hours on Friday...but then I went to my friend's party and got drunk, played LOTS of beer pong :D one of my fav games. Met some pplz who play in a band and we got into a heated discussion over who the best guitar player is...the other guy was voting for Steavie Ray Vaughan...and hey, I think he's an amazing player...but not the best. anyway, went to another party tonight. and I think i'm getting sick of this whole party scene....

how can you work on something for 8 hours!!??! :zombie: my attention span sucks, i swear. i see something shiny or colourful, lol..im down with that. screw work!
It all depends really, I've done some pretty epic carpentry/floor work for hours on end and enjoyed it. As long as what you're doing doesn't suck you won't get distracted.
lol..well, let's just say I've been taking honors classes my whole life and I'm used to all these bullshit 5,000 words and more type of papers...but of course I can't just sit there for 8 hours! I got distracted a few times, but the thing is, I hate procrastination, so I force myself to finish all my work so I can be free to do whatever. it's good logic, really.
Basically, I worked on my paper for about 8 hours on Friday...but then I went to my friend's party and got drunk, played LOTS of beer pong :D one of my fav games. Met some pplz who play in a band and we got into a heated discussion over who the best guitar player is...the other guy was voting for Steavie Ray Vaughan...and hey, I think he's an amazing player...but not the best. anyway, went to another party tonight. and I think i'm getting sick of this whole party scene....

you left off the part about begging me to do your assignment for you. god i want partial credit at least :rolleyes:
on thursday i slept over at a friends house here in l.a. and we swam, and then we walked to el pollo locco and we smoked on the way there, got some grub hung out with some girlies. and went back home. then my dad got us and we saw Transformers, probably one of the best movies ever! got back home real late. we snuck out back, smoked a bunch, got real buzzed. then we snuck out and walked to 7/11 and got this asian chick to buy us some black and milds, those things were real good. but damn we smoked way to much didnt feel good, then we bought some porn on the t.v. just a fuckin great night. then the next day we washed their moms spider and i got like 10 bucks

lol, the way you mention smoking as an activity makes you sound so young
Söy;6323998 said:
you left off the part about begging me to do your assignment for you. god i want partial credit at least :rolleyes:

:lol: yeah....I really begged you didn't I? I'll give you -20% credit for distracting me from doing my work :p