Weird "Metal Edge" Issue


Sep 13, 2003
I'll admit that I look at "Metal Edge" at one of the local bookstores. This issue has a perennial space filler: what the editors of "Metal Edge" consider the top 10 metal albums/performers/etc. of all time. Their pick for the number one metal album of all time was Metallica's "...and Justice for All." Pick number two was Strapping Young Lad's "City." Number three was...

WTF?!? :guh:

It's not just that "Metal Edge" mentions SYL, but names "City" as the second best metal album of all time?!? But the weirdness didn't stop there. Top 10 metal singers? Devin Townsend is on the list (erroneously spelled "Devon," which I found interesting). Top 10 guitarists? Hevy Devy's on that list as well. Gene Hoglan was in the top 3 metal drummers, and SYL as a band landed on a few more of their lists.

If I was cynical, I'd assume that "Metal Edge" was jumping on the latest fad (especially considering the misspelling of Devin's name). But SYL isn't being pushed as the hip new thing for the Hot Topic crowd.

I take these top 10 lists with a grain of salt. Who ultimately cares? I just thought the whole thing was amusing.
Actually, (being a high school student in suburbia) SYL is getting big. Also keep in mind in Texas, we are bottom feeders to an extent. For example, a friend of mine tells me Into Eternity is big among the mallgoths up north, mallgoths down here make fun of Into Eternity when they hear them. The two big bands to hit my school this year have been In Flames and SYL.

Andrew, if those lil' turds are claiming to be goths, I leave it in your hands to educate them, or at least tell them to quit dragging my subculture in the mud and call themselves something else. :D
Ruthven said:

Andrew, if those lil' turds are claiming to be goths, I leave it in your hands to educate them, or at least tell them to quit dragging my subculture in the mud and call themselves something else. :D

I second that.. :Shedevil:

I took one look at the cover of that Metal Edge issue and put it back down before it was even off the shelf. I knew it would only make my eyes roll :rolleyes:
Gene is a great drummer!!!!!!! Nice guy! And SYL did put a good performance on :)
I take it I'm the only person who thinks Devin is overrated and lousy?

I've heard his work and SYL, and I don't see what's so great about him. And a skullet is definately NOT metal. Devin is about as metal as Neil Diamond.
Regor did you see his set at PPIII?? ..don't feel too bad, I didn't either. Then I kicked myself for it later when I started becoming familiar with his solo stuff and realized what I had missed just to stand in line for a from-the-noses-up photo with Tobias :bah:

"Depth Charge" kept playing on my LaunchCast Station and I grew to love it! Granted I don't have a single album of his, or SYL for that matter, but he's a great musician with some cool songs and lots of energy for the stage... that's enough for me :headbang:
Puleeeeeeese with the Devy bashing. I heard more knuckleheads in the peanut gallery slammin the DT band after the '03 show PP. Fine. You don't like them, don't buy them. But to say they are not talented?!?!?!?!?!?!

There's a reason Steve Vai hand picked Devin to play guitar in his touring band when Townsend was only 19.

And Gene Hoglan? Ask ANYONE who's ever *attempted* to play the drums what they think of Gene Hoglan (preferably, ask the pros), and they'll give you a mouthful of praise for this guy. His talent is top notch. Ask Opeth how he's bailed them out on the recent album and tour.

Last but not least, listen to any one single album NOT from SYL, but the Devin Townsend Band, then listen to another. And another. And keep going until you've finished the catalog. No two sound the same. His focus is on musicianship and WRITING songs, not just wank, shred, and wank some more....
Ruthven said:
I'll admit that I look at "Metal Edge" at one of the local bookstores. This issue has a perennial space filler: what the editors of "Metal Edge" consider the top 10 metal albums/performers/etc. of all time. Their pick for the number one metal album of all time was Metallica's "...and Justice for All." Pick number two was Strapping Young Lad's "City." Number three was...

WTF?!? :guh:

It's not just that "Metal Edge" mentions SYL, but names "City" as the second best metal album of all time?!? But the weirdness didn't stop there. Top 10 metal singers? Devin Townsend is on the list (erroneously spelled "Devon," which I found interesting). Top 10 guitarists? Hevy Devy's on that list as well. Gene Hoglan was in the top 3 metal drummers, and SYL as a band landed on a few more of their lists.


I see that Metal Edge got my check. :D

All kidding aside, that really is kinda weird. But hey, I'll take any Devy-love when I find it. I should buy a copy, give it to Devy to autograph, and sit back in anticipation of some incredibly funny written comments. :D

Gene Hoglan rules. Glad someone mentioned his emergency work with Opeth this summer. :headbang:

Oh, and judging a metal muzo solely by his hair -- or lack thereof -- is silly.
Regor said:
I take it I'm the only person who thinks Devin is overrated and lousy?

I've heard his work and SYL, and I don't see what's so great about him. And a skullet is definately NOT metal. Devin is about as metal as Neil Diamond.

Agreed. Devin is definitely rated in my book, but rated poorly. I basically view him as a joke on stage, and his performance at PP did nothing but give me time to drink. I would support him simply "disappearing."
I remember my dad used to play Sex & Reiligion when he got it all the time. I always couldn't stand Devy, and then about a year ago I really gave his solo stuff a chance. I was shocked to find some of the most innovative music I had ever heard in my life. You can spot Devy's sense of melody anywhere, no one has vocal melodies like him. Finally, last night I can consider myself a SYL fan, It finally clicked last night. Overall, Devin Townsend is an incredible writer!
Devin Townsend is one of my favorite vocalists. I'll definitely say that I don't think he pulls off his vocal material as well live. Partly I think because he doesn't seem to have amazing technical vocal skills, and partly because of production stuff being with all of the awesome layering that goes on within the albums.

Not that he's a poor singer live, but he's not quite as jaw-dropping as on the albums from what I've heard....I've never physically seen the Devin Townsend Band live (just SYL), although I hope to when they tour hopefully next year. I'll definitely take his live performance over certain umm....shrieky whiny live vocalists. :devil:
Granted I don't have a single album of his, or SYL for that matter, but he's a great musician with some cool songs and lots of energy for the stage... that's enough for me

go get SYL -- either City or s/t -- right away. Alien is good too, but weaker than those, and Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing is for hard core fans only IMO. As for his solo material, I couldn't possibly see you being disappointed in Accelerated Evolution; I'd recommend it most highly. The only Devy solo discs I have are AE and Infinity (which contains my personal favorite Devy song, "Bad Devil", which I heard for the first time at ProgPower).

Go. Get to the cd store.

I'm not kidding! Move your ass! :lol: