Weird "Metal Edge" Issue

Regor wrote
Tell me what SONG I should listen to to see the 'genius' that is Devin. Give me an example of his best work that's so inventive that I should become a fan.

For guitar playing check out the song 'Away' off Accelerated Evolution. Dev doesn't usually play many solos but he goes off a bit in the middle of this one.

For other uniquely Dev stuff listen to 'Truth' and 'Ants' off Infinity.

The real genius in Dev's work is his songs and his huge layers of sound and the small details that run throughout them.

Listen to 'Mountain', 'Earth Day' and 'Deep Peace' off Terria....or ''Planet Rain' off Physicist.

Shit if none of that stuff gets you going then check your pulse or get your hearing checked.
I guess my 'problem' with accepting his music is the way I look at the guitar. If I can't or have trouble playing it, I give it lots of respect as being 'great' guitar work. And since I don't see his work as being that hard to play, I don't see the 'genius' in it. Do you see what I mean?

Thats a pretty crappy way of looking at music at a whole don't you think? you think Michael Angelo (Nitro) creates 'great guitar work' because you can't play it even though most of it is devoid of direction, melodic or emotional content.

And yes...Biomechanical are the shit.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Devin Townsend Band at PPIII. It was refreshing to hear something DIFFERENT. I have the Terria and Accelerated Evolution cds and enjoy them a lot.

I do however, feel it's time for a new sort of metal magazine, ME is nothing but a bunch of glossy photos and when you could care less about that, there's no reason to buy it.
Taliwakker said:
Thats a pretty crappy way of looking at music at a whole don't you think? you think Michael Angelo (Nitro) creates 'great guitar work' because you can't play it even though most of it is devoid of direction, melodic or emotional content.

And yes...Biomechanical are the shit.

I think he's got amazing skills on guitar... but I've never heard any of his music. So I can't comment.
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
I believe that the story about the hair being pulled out is true, if read an interview with him, he says that he is on a couple of different medications and quits taking them when he is writing a new album or something like that.

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Other brand names: Carbatrol, Epitol, Tegretol-XR

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Tegretol is used in the treatment of seizure disorders, including certain types of epilepsy. It is also prescribed for trigeminal neuralgia (severe pain in the jaws) and pain in the tongue and throat.

In addition, some doctors use Tegretol to treat alcohol withdrawal, cocaine addiction, and emotional disorders such as depression and abnormally aggressive behavior. The drug is also used to treat migraine headache and "restless legs."

Pronounced: Zye-PRECKS-ah
Generic name: Olanzapine

Why is this drug prescribed?

Zyprexa helps manage symptoms of schizophrenia, the manic phase of manic-depression, and other psychotic disorders. It is thought to work by opposing the action of serotonin and dopamine, two of the brain's major chemical messengers. The drug is available as Zyprexa tablets and Zyprexa Zydis, which dissolves rapidly with or without liquid.

If the guy is crazy, he's crazy. But I'm more inclined to believe that "Ripping out my own hair" is a much cooler story to tell than "I have male pattern baldness". You decide.


It must take a lot of talent to tear out your hair in a perfect semi-circle.
Whoah! I'm missing out on all the fun stuff!

Okay. I can't remember if Regor came along with us to see Sym X with Devin Townsend Band. But we went and saw him, and I stood there and forced myself to hear every note he played and listen to how he sung. Watched the whole setlist.

I don't get it, either.

First of all, lemme address a comment on the first page:

Now, I don't see why you should bother at this point because guitar-work is not the for front for his music, so i'm almost 100% sure you would not like it.

If you guys can make a comment like this, and in the same thread mention that Vai handpicked him for his amazing genius, how can he be a genius guitar player if his guitarwork is not his forefront???? That's the greatest hypocrisy of this whole DT defense! I'm sorry, folks! If you're playing alongside Steve muthafuckin Vai, you cannot be a mediocre, chord-strumming, fill-the-spaces-in guitar player! And from watching his DTB show, that's all it was! One, maybe two instances where he attacked his fretboard with any serious skill and virtuosity.

Now, let me get to another totally different topic: his stage behavior. This guy was either having a really really shitty night, or he's just the whiniest musician I've ever heard on a stage. Between every, and I mean EVERY, song, he was bitching about the keyboard levels in the monitors, or the vocal level, or his guitar, or the hihat, or whatever it was that was not absolutely flawless. Holy anal retention, Batman! I thought Regor was a picky bitch when it came to his guitar tone or sound levels when we play! DT is like a spoiled diva on stage! That immediately turned me off of him. Sorry, guys, but that's the experience I had when seeing him live. And you will not convince me otherwise by saying, "Oh, but that's not a good way to judge him, you gotta hear his solo stuff, and his SYL stuff, and his Ocean's Land stuff, and his Vai stuff, and and and..." So far, you've been saying he's a virtuoso. A genius. A shredder. A solo perfectionist. I didn't see it. At all.

It's happened when I've argued with others when they played some SYL for me. They'd say, "Well then you should hear some of his DTB stuff." And when someone else played me some DTB stuff, "Oh well then you should hear some of his SYL stuff." Sorry folks, you cannot bounce me back and forth and expect me to "finally" get him.

And stop bitching about who played guitar longer than the other. It ain't about how long you've been playing. It's about how well you can play. If you've played guitar for 30 years like Niel Young and still can't do more than five chords and bending one or two strings for a solo, then you aren't a true guitar player.

*waits for the Niel Young fans to come out of the woodworks*
I actually wasn't aware that Devy played guitar on Vai's disc... I know he did the vocals, and in the video I saw for "Down Deep Into the Pain", that's all Devy did...
Brian wrote
If you guys can make a comment like this, and in the same thread mention that Vai handpicked him for his amazing genius, how can he be a genius guitar player if his guitarwork is not his forefront???? That's the greatest hypocrisy of this whole DT defense! I'm sorry, folks! If you're playing alongside Steve muthafuckin Vai, you cannot be a mediocre, chord-strumming, fill-the-spaces-in guitar player!

Because he uses the guitar as a vehicle for his song writing...not as a way to stroke his own ego...unfortunately too many prog bands seem to put wankery over songcraft...

That's the greatest hypocrisy of this whole DT defense

No it actually shows how little you understand of what he is trying to achieve musically.
If you were expecting to hear some guitar heroics in Devin's solo albums or performances, I can understand why you were disappointed as he's in no way a shredder, but I won't agree with anyone calling him a mediocre guitarist...Deep Peace has one of my favorite solos of all time, highly expressive. And in order to get his mindset, you have to listen to Ocean Machine and/or Terria as a whole...