Weird Pro Tools issue just popped up...


Sep 14, 2008
So after running PT8 smoothly since just after it came out, a little issue has crept up in the past few days. On any session, even new sessions with no audio in them (did a quick test) if I change anything on the track (solo, mute, and anything to do with plugins or aux sends) the whole computer slows way down. I've found that in order to get the PC functioning again, I have to make the last track or tracks I worked on inactive and hidden. As soon as I do this, the computer ramps back up like nothing happened. This is really weird, and as you can imagine, it's slowing down my productivity quite a bit.

Anyone else run into a similar problem?
do you have it set to like 512 samples or lower? if you do then bump that up and see if its you have a usb hooked up? if you do is it ac powered or powered off ur pc, cracked plugins might be fucking it up too if your using any of that then delete it
Well, to clarify, it has nothing to do with playback. Anytime I click Solo, Mute, Record or click on a plug-in (any plug-in 3rd part or not, and none of my plug-ins are cracked) the computer slows down. I get the lagging, jittery mouse and all that. The only way to resolve it (I can't even exit PT when this happens) is to click on the last track I edited and make it hidden and inactive. As soon as I do this, the computer comes back to normal, and I can unhide and activate the track. It will work fine for a bit, but it will eventually happen again. I'm grabbing the latest update for PT8, hoping that this solves the issue.

This really sucks, because I'm in the middle of mixing an EP for a band, and there's no way I'm going to be able to finish it by the time I was hoping for.

Also, I don't have to set it to 512 or lower. Nothing on this PC has changed for months now, and this just started happening 2 days ago.
Not had this fault myself. But a whole lot of problems in pro tools can be resolved by deleting databases and preferences. So give that a go first.
delete prefs or run this if you're not sure -

Also update to 8.0.1 if you haven't done so - lots of good fixes. Its very unlikely to be anything to do with sample rate as has been mentioned before. Also, run disk utility (mac) and clear unused regions on other sessions. Are you saving all audio to an external hard drive?