weird rock-grunge-whatever mix-recto, acoustic, piano


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
so I'm working on this band right now...
stlye is meant to be something between foo fighters, nickelback, no idea, dozens of completely different things have been given as a reference....

my goal was to make it sound modern yet organic....

so I used alot of room-mic on the drums and as little samples as possible as well (some augmenting is going on though, mainly kick)

I haven'T really worked on the vox yet, so that's why there aren't any ;)

so any hints would be appreciated....oh, the volume of the bassguitar was done on purpose, liked it that way ;)

here you go:

I'm really digging that drum sound, that snare is killer for this music! any details on that?
Piano sounds great too
Bass sounds good in the mix but when you hear it alone, the high mids seem a bit saturated too much for my taste (for this kind of music)
I don't really like the overdrive guitar sound, misses the balls it should have for a recto in rock music, don't know if you're reamping but I'd definitely go for more master volume and less gain on this one! and let those low mids growl!
furthermore great sound!
I'm really digging that drum sound, that snare is killer for this music! any details on that?
Piano sounds great too
Bass sounds good in the mix but when you hear it alone, the high mids seem a bit saturated too much for my taste (for this kind of music)
I don't really like the overdrive guitar sound, misses the balls it should have for a recto in rock music, don't know if you're reamping but I'd definitely go for more master volume and less gain on this one! and let those low mids growl!
furthermore great sound!


drumkit was a sonor force2003, not sure about the snare though.
mics were:

snare top: sm57
snare bottom: sm57
toms: D2
oh: km184
hats: 451
room: ecm8000

you'rer right about the bass, I have 2 tracks-one less gain and one more gain-blended, I should just take the lesser-gain track in that bass-solo-part.

'bout the guitars: master was on 12:00, gain on 11:00, mid on 1:00, far from my typical settings, guitar was a strat... ;)

I thought about more bass on the guitar but didn't want to mask the bassguitar and kick too much should have the presence (high-mids) set lower probably.. but perhaps l'd boost some lows on the guitarbus (haven't anything on there so far)

EDIT: remaping right now
reamped, new settins:

tube rect.
master: 12:15
Bass: 1:00
Mid: 1:00
treb: 12:00
gain: 10:45

TS: drive: off
lvl: 12:00

still pretty crunchy

I don't like muffled guitars though, but I'm a this case I should perhaps even have put my ribbon-mic in front of the speaker.-...
whatever, you know that style better, tell me if this is better ;)


same link

about the snare:

I "reamped" it through my sansamp BDDI and blended the distorted signal slightly in
the master sound of it all is very nice.. can you shed any light on your master process/master buss? it sounds good and the drums sound terrific :)

mastering :
just a touch of LA Audio Compressor (see OT) followed by the finalizer (no EQ, just normalizer and a wee bit of multiband comp), so no EQ at all. Oh Yes I love the combination of that comp and a finalizer