Weird sheet you did as a child...

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
...that hopefully you no longer do as an adult. :guh:

I'll start the bar rolling with the admission that I used to scratch and/or shift away my junk on the school yard during the years of elementary school. This garnered an odd look from one particular Caucasian child who refused to shake my hand. Hey, I always have put comfort above all else. Those of us who grew up wearing nut huggers, you can feel me on that one. Maturation burgeoned a new resolve to said every day discomforts, I now shift the boys after a piss. I drink a fair amount of water, so said consumption comes in "handy."

Which leads me to the question, do any of you lads suffer from post drip? The past week or so, while after a good shaking, I get a trickle or two running wild like Macho after Miss Elizabeth.

#DontJudgeMe :err:
I don't usually wipe boogers on the floor like I did as a child. Sometimes I still do though, albeit rarely these days. My wife yells at me, but I do the vacuuming anyhow, so what does it really matter? Other than being a completely revolting habit I should say. Because it is, and now that I've confessed, I vow to never let it happen again!

If I'm about to get in the car, I have to position a sideways wiener slant, otherwise I end up with the frontal drip that causes an early piss halfway to my destination. I generally urinate once every several hours, but if I'm in a vehicle my bladder tightens up to the size of a 5 year old girl's, and I spew forth with reckless abandon! How vaguely annoying.
After I would wipe my arse following a deposit, I would smell my shit on the paper. In fact, I still do.

that some serious mental shit right there. and quit eating boogers. my 3 year old does that.

i beat up animals as a kid. big, small, mean, nice. didnt matter. i quit after i nearly killed my wife's dog

and yes, i get that drippage
During my teen years I would wrap myself in a blanket a.k.a tortilla wrap, and grind my pelvis until unholy emissions emerged. I was never one for hand to hand combat, though I'm hardly a pacifist. A chum swores that he caught me in said compromising deed. One thing is for certain, he can't say that I was caught red handed.

Overall it felt better than fapping, but it lacked that crescendo of arousal.
When I was 8 years old I once cut about a foot of my little cousin's hair. She still holds a grudge :Smokedev:

about fapping, I used the sock technique AND put the sock back in the drawer (of course my mum found out...)
I fucked a pillow a few times, and even grabbed the "boobs" in the heat of the moment. I would love to say that it was when I was 14 but I think I was 25 at the time. My wife is embarrassed about this story, but I think it's hilarious. I probably cried myself to sleep afterward.

I had a pretty serious road rage problem when I first started driving. It was backed by a biblical sense of revenge. If I saw someone cut another driver off, I would race up and cut them off. If they cut me off, I would likely cut them off several times and/or follow them for a few miles, "alerting" them of their misdeed. This became problematic a few times, and I finally decided to stop when a guy ran me off the road, got out, and started chasing me. And of course I couldn't find reverse quick enough so it ended up with me grinding gears and eventually flying backwards just in time to escape. Of course the best part was that this particular guy ended up eating shit pretty hard on the pavement as he tried to run up to my vehicle (superman dive, cell phone exploding into several pieces, etc.), which made him change his mind and go back upon his way. The spirit still comes to me sometimes, but nowadays I nearly always let it pass, or at most flip them off. Oddly enough, driving a fast car makes this self-induced confrontation easier to avoid, because now I just get the fuck out of the way of weirdos. Maybe once a year I'll get into a stupid eye for an eye battle, which does nothing but raise my blood pressure and endanger others of course, and I feel like an idiot afterward. Vengeance is dumb.

I ate a booger once, after seeing many people try this. I did not engage in this practice a second time. That was a most unpleasant experience.

I used to eat raw red meat as a wee lad. I preferred it to cooked. I could only sneak so much before getting caught, but those moments were sweet indeed.
I fucked a pillow a few times, and even grabbed the "boobs" in the heat of the moment. I would love to say that it was when I was 14 but I think I was 25 at the time. My wife is embarrassed about this story, but I think it's hilarious. I probably cried myself to sleep afterward.

I shtooped a chair at work at the age of 20. The material was a little rough, a case of coitus upholsterus interruptus. Not very proud of that moment, but I was bored, and I think I came across a "hot" magazine.
I shtooped a chair at work at the age of 20. The material was a little rough, a case of coitus upholsterus interruptus. Not very proud of that moment, but I was bored, and I think I came across a "hot" magazine.
:lol: The only time I jerked off at work was to a People magazine. Literally, to this picture, which was easily obtainable via Google:


Also last night two things almost happened: driving like a jerk and flicking a booger on the floor. Because of this thread I refrained from both actions.

Personal Growth Through RC Posts
The bathroom sink of my first childhood home stood on metal legs that had screws in them about halfway up. As a toddler, I enjoyed licking the screws. They were tart and tangy, similar to the sensation of putting your tongue on a 9-volt battery.
I used to get bored and piss in the sink. Occasionally do that at parties if too many fuckers are in line for the bathroom.
Men seeking the comfort of a prostitute in Zurich will soon have a designated place to get it on with their paid paramours.

In an effort to make street prostitution safer for both sex workers and customers, authorities in the Swiss city have rolled out a series of drive-in "sex boxes," set to open for business Aug. 26.

The nine wooden sheds are located in a former industrial area of the city. They will be staffed with up to 40 prostitutes and open during designated nighttime and early morning hours, The Telegraph reported.

Adorned with posters promoting condom use and AIDS awareness, and equipped with alarms that can be activated in case of danger, the bare-bones garages hold space for a car and little else. They are for car customers only; men on foot or on motorbikes are not allowed.

While prostitution is legal in Switzerland, Zurich men will no longer be allowed to solicit sex workers outside the group of boxes or two other approved zones.

The 1.4 million-Euro initiative is part of an effort to bestow some order Switzerland's growing sex trade, with an eye toward protecting workers while also keeping them away from the city center and residential neighborhoods.

"We want to regulate prostitution because until now it was the law of the jungle," welfare department official Michael Herzig said, according to The Telegraph.

"It was the pimps who decided the prices, for instance. We are trying to reach a situation which is better for the prostitutes themselves, for their health and security and also for people who live in Zurich."

