Weirdest tone you've ever produced?

I was planning on doing a bit of editing on the guitars when I start producing my band's album, to give them a really unique sound. Just trying think outside of the box.

That being said, what's the weirdest or most-unique sounding tone you've ever made? Through effects pedals or digital effects.

Originally thinking about the topic got me interested in what other people have done before.

Here's an example of a really unique tone:

I know the guitarist, and I forgot what pedal he used, but damn, what a tone!
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Ive never done anything really wierd, but i did work allot in finding my self a signature sound when we recorded our demosong(Which sucks majorly.).
This is what i got:

I know it sounds overgained, but i actually started out with the "proper amount" of gain, but i found that this particular song sounded better overgained(To get that real nasty warpy growl.).
Ignore the quality of the takes btw.. i had only played the song like 3 times before, and had to nail all the guitar tracks within 2 hours(Mic'ing and experimenting included.).. oh, and i sucked back then. :lol:
one time i was fiddling around with using impulse loaders in completely wrong ways on purpose, like loading a really short birdsong sample. massive clipping if i used too much of the sample obviously but it sounded pretty neat. basically a pad that responds in sync with your playing in real time
¯\(°_o)/¯ How do mix Beatbox?

Sauna + ridiculous amounts of beer + some weed + bass ...

Shouldn't do that session again. I passed out few times and woke when guys slapped me awake to draw some drum loops and some shit (=edits&beer)

Lame 1st post, but didn't want to miss this thread :kickass:
(I have read all your shit 'n stuff for 2 years now and stolen all your awesome samples, so maybe I should now post this 1 post)

-Mr. Pussy 'O
one time i was fiddling around with using impulse loaders in completely wrong ways on purpose, like loading a really short birdsong sample. massive clipping if i used too much of the sample obviously but it sounded pretty neat. basically a pad that responds in sync with your playing in real time

Yeah, messing around with regular sounds as impulses can be great.
One funny thing that ive found is that some snares makes for a great reverb! :lol:
Yeah, messing around with regular sounds as impulses can be great.
One funny thing that ive found is that some snares makes for a great reverb! :lol:

i'll try that sometime then! i remember some sample of a door latch closing made a good verb too. bizarre how you can make these things work, really, it's like sound within sound.
the "intro" of that song is the weirdest thing I've done afaik, my cheapass Ibanez
switched to the neck humbucker, tone poti almost on 0/10, volume on 5/10 and
than used a battery as a slide, ampwise-just a guitar rig 3 preset with a light tremolo
on it. But I like the effect-and there's an extra track with just one sound, very low
in the mix, just a distorted synthie sound that get's pitched down while I do a slide
on the bass.

Not really weird-just played bass once and got that riff in my head that sounds like
a cheap meshuggah rip off, the only "cool" thing is, it's just bass, no guitars and 5
tracks of bass: